
Chapter 11

As the bell for lesson to start rang, Shen Xiu twisted her waist, and walked into the classroom. Unlike her usual arrogant attitude, the smile on her face looked like a chrysanthemum.

"The three of you return to your seats!" Shen Xiu said, looking at Nie Li, Du Ze and Lu Piao. There're VIP's here to observe her lectures, naturally she wouldn't dare to be rash.

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er ," Well I am going to go ."

Lin Lingtian jumped out of his seat and walked out of class .

Shen Xiu clenched her fist to suppress her anger remembering what kind of talent Lin Lingtian was ?

" Class , Today I'm going to talk about Inscription Patterns. Whether if it's fighters or demon spiritists, Inscription Patterns are very important. Inscription Patterns are separated into two parts, respectively the Enchanting Patterns and the Battle Patterns. Enchanting Patterns can be inscribed on armours and weapons. As it can greatly enhance the combat abilities those armours and weapons, especially if it's used by a Demon Spiritist, they can make use of weapons and armours with Enchanting Patterns on it to release far more power than their base strength. As for Battle Patterns, they are used with Inscription Pattern Scrolls. By inscribing it onto the scroll and then activating it, can have a sudden burst of fighting power so discuss among yourselves what you know about about inscriptions while I check on Lin Lingtian ..."

Seeing the retreating form of Lin

Lingtian , the three old men commented .

One of the elderly men said with a frown ," Who was that rude brat ?", The one who spoke was Ye Sheng, the vice-principal of Holy Orchid Institute.

Ye Sheng turned to the grey robed, elderly man sat beside them. Lu Ye didn't know this grey robed elder's identity. This grey robed elder just casually sat down but he gives off a

powerful, prestige aura, causing Lu Ye to be careful with his words when he spoke. He didn't dare to make a slight mistake with his speech.

" My apologies for the actions of a mere student , I will ask Teacher Shen Xiu to give a proper explanation for the behaviour of such a student ."

" The strong are allowed to act how that please ."

" I beg your pardon ."

" That boy is strong . Ye Sheng , I would like to ask you send a letter to the young man to have a cup of tea with this old man ."

Ye Sheng's eyes widened as he gulped and nodded .

Walking out if class Lin Lingtian heard his name being called .

" Wait , Lin ."

He stopped at the familiar voice and turned to see Shen Xiu smiling at him .

" Lin , you had me so worried about you , why didn't you come to class all week ?"

The Heart Demon Soul Contract was reacting to Shen Xiu's soft worried voice .

But with one push of the minus button , he removed the status that formed due to the Heart Demon Soul Contract before it formed .

Lin Lingtian head turned as his aura and the lingering bloodlust of all the Demon Beasts he killed pointed towards Shen Xiu .

" I don't have the time ."

Shen Xiu felt the lingering bloodlust of more a thousands demon beasts killed by Lin effecting her .

Her breath quickened and her legs shook .

' No , I must have angered him , what do I do ?'

Xiu put on a submissive expression and said with care ," I ....wa...was just worried ."

She even put her hand below her chest to give Lin Lingtian a good view .

Lin Lingtian dismissed her act and walked away , not wanting to deal with her .

Shen Xiu greeted her teeth and clenched her fist in anger ,' How dare you dismiss me ? I , Shen Xiu , swear , I will have you chasing after me if it is the last thing I do .'

( Lin Lingtian's POV )

Walking the streets of Glory City, I make an attempt at observing my surroundings. The calls from street peddlers, trying to sell their wares. The laughter of playing children as they scurry around adults. The chatter of adults as they barter for goods or gossip amongst themselves. The continuously changing smells on the breeze.

These are real people merely trying to survive in a brutal and merciless world. Each one is experiencing their own story, like myself.

My goal was to get information about the locations of any Yin Wood attribute demon beasts as with the amount of money I had it was next to impossible to purchase the blood of a dual attribute demon beast through the Hunters Association.

The Hunters Association , this organisation of Glory City did not have much power and is only responsible for registering all of the commoner Fighters. This was to assist those who couldn't be recruited by a powerful family as the association allowed them to have access to more cultivating resources as well as a more stable income for their families.

It is located in the southern part of Central District, so it's a bit of a walk from the Holy Orchid Institute. Looking at the building,I'm was a bit disappointed. While large and

formidable, it lacked the artistic quality so common in a vast majority of the larger estates.

Readjusting the set of dark brown clothes and a cloak, i wore these clothes to not gain any attention while at the holy orchid I could hear that old man saying he wanted to invited me to a cup of tea , with Shen Xiu's attitude earlier he had deduced that old man was from the Snow Wind Family . He had changed into a disguise to commission a mission at the Hunters Association to get info about the demon beast he wanted before Shen Xiu or someone like that old man to annoy him by offering him the things he wanted . While it would be ideal to use this to my advantage and gain as much resources as I want but the thing is that I don't want to deal with the politics of the upper class of the Glory City . Yeah having read many novels , shows and seen news reports on the disgusting world of politics to know what would happen if I jumped into that hell hole .

The Three Major Families of Glory City were the Snow Wind Family, The Sacred Family and the Divine Family .

With the memories of Lin Lingtian he knew how disgusting the sacred family was .

While everyone praised the Snow Wind Family , he was sceptical about many things like did the legend rank Ye Mo do anything to make Glory City stronger as according to them this is the last place humans are surviving at then why didn't they do something to make this city more stronger . Why didn't Ye Mo ever get a student ? Why didn't Ye Mo ever bring corpses of legend rank demon beasts to strengthen Glory City as inscription arrays are made using the blood of demon beasts to strengthen Glory City e.t.c.

The Divine Family was the most richest family in Glory City as the saying that money corrupts is true .

Yeah , no way was he going to deal them .

Addition of padding to the shoulders and chest area gave him the appearance of an extra 10 kilos of mass. Boots with a raised heel give him several extra centimeters of height.

I use a bit of homemade makeup to thicken my eyebrows and create the illusion of deep-set eyes. A bit of diluted ink round my face and small pieces of cloth stuffed in my cheeks finishes off the disguise.

Putting the cloak hood up, I use a handheld mirror to check out my new appearance.

While not as efficient as I was hoping, it

succeeds in making me look like a slightly dirty 17 year old that's spent a lot of time in the sun. Regardless, it'll get the job done.

I make my way into the entrance to the Fighter Association. The front lobby is surprisingly large with many doors and hallways leading deeper into the building. In the center of the room is a large reception desk with several people in blue uniforms working. I approach a young man standing at the reception desk looking dreadfully bored. Stereotyping him as having a higher chance of not looking too closely at my disguise, instead of a grey-haired lady waiting patiently behind the polished counter.

It looks like the odds are in my favour because, after a brief introduction, the bored young man seems to lack any real interest in me. He was still dutiful in giving me an introduction to the Fighter Association and adequately answering the few questions I had.

It seems the main use of the Fighter Association is to allow Aristocrat Families, Noble Families, and Major Families to recruit Fighters and post missions. While even the weakest titled Family still has several hundred Fighters, many still use the Fighter Association to boost their guard ranks or accomplish their purge missions.

Many titled Families will post purge missions with the Fighter Association to fulfill their responsibilities without putting their family members in danger . This would typically allow the titled Family to use its own forces to explore ruins and other more profitable tasks.

" I would like to post a mission ."

" Oh ! Then please come with me ."

The bored young man escorted me to a room .

" Madam Yu , I have brought someone that wants to post a mission ."

After that the young man left, Lin Lingtian stepped forward and said, "You must be Madam Yu , I would like post a mission of any information about the locations of a dual attribute demon beasts with the attributes being wood and yin ."

The fat woman clearly heard it, but her eyes drooped as she flipped through the papers on the table, as if she did not have the time to look at Lin Lingtian .

A few minutes go bye in silence as Lin Lingtian gets more and more annoyed with the woman.

" What do you want ?" The woman said with such venom that Lin Lingtian thought if he had accidentally killed her child or something to explain the tone in her voice .

Taking a deep breath to calm himself that it was not work killing this fat pig .

" I want to post a mission about any information about the locations of a dual yin wood attribute demon beast "

The woman tapped her fingers on the table and said ," hmm , the mission will be posted and you can come back in a week to find if someone responded to your mission ."

" May I ask if there is a record of any locations of the wood yin attribute demon beast ."

" There may have or may not but .....

A moment later, she looked up.

"This matter is not easy to deal with."

She used the professional term for bribery .

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath and placed 4000 demon spirit coins on the table .

The Fat woman huffed and looked at him with disgust visible .

She began tapping her fingers expecting Lin Lingtian to pay more .

Lin Lingtian indifferently looked at her .

A few more minutes go bye when the fat woman sighs and retrieved a scroll andd threw it towards him .

Anger was rising in Lin's heart but he just picked the scroll and left because if he stayed for even one more second then that woman wouldn't have a head over her shoulders.

Madam Yu , looked at the back of Lin Lingtian in disgust.

She was a 1 star bronze rank demon Spiritualist who got this position using the authority of her husband the master of the Hunters Association a gold rank demon Spiritualist . She personally selected this position because of the benefit it provided as she could cheat commoners . The Scroll she gave Lin Lingtian was just a scroll about location of common demon beast the Fanged panda nest .

"Hmph! The one kid is so disrespectful this is also a small punishment for him , commoners don't even know how to greet their superior . Thinking that he can commission a mission even though he could only give up a mere 4000 demon spirit coins . hmmph trash who doesn't know their place ."

Madam Yu , went back to work as She had scammed many commoners by providing them fake info , getting bribes e.t.c. Those commoners could only grit their teeth in anger due to the husband of Madam Yu they couldn't complain.So what if she cheated them? Who would find trouble for her because of them?

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