
Chapter 34: Peril Realized

“You left?!”

“We couldn’t just sit around and wait for you!” Vix said.

“Yes, you could have!” Mirra yelped. “In fact, that’s exactly what I said you should do!”

A spike of irritation went through Vix. “We came here for our own reasons, Mirra. You’ve been a great help, but that doesn’t mean you get to make all our decisions for us and expect us to abide by them!”

Mirra let out a despairing groan and covered her face with her hands. “Just... tell me everything that happened.”

Vix simmered quietly in her seat, furious that she was being treated like a disobedient child who had run away from home.

After an awkward pause, Caine filled the silence. He told Mirra how they had attempted to find their way back through the jungle, but ended up at a different door instead.

Before he could go on, Mirra suddenly leapt out of her seat. Caine stuttered to a halt; Vix stared, stupefied, at Mirra. The young witch looked like she had seen a ghost.

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