
Chapter 192: The Vampire called Karen.

Before the empress could come through the door, Kevin had immediately used his shadow cloak to hide himself and Elsa.

But even still, the empress could perceive the scent of them.

"Did someone put flowers in my room?" The empress said as she sniffed through the air.

She moved towards where Kevin and Elsa where hiding with the cloak on.

The two fairies thought she saw them but then, someone knocked on the empress's door.

"Who is that?" She asked as she walked towards the door.

Kevin and Elsa heaved a silent sigh of relief as they saw her turn around.

The empress opened the door and a young Vampire came in.

Kevin immediately recognised the vampire and almost called out his name.

It was Dan, his first friend who betrayed their friendship and disappeared.

He thought Dan felt bad on what he did to him and decided not to come to school but how come he is here? In the vampire city, in the empress room.

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