
In The End, Finally Friends


T"Yeah, you're right. It is really surprising of my own self. But I gotta thanks to you as well because if you hadn't accidentally made me fall, I wouldn't be able to see it." And then something hits Azura's mind at the mention of 'accidently' as she wonders ahead.

"Wait, was it actually accidental or you…" She stares at the latter who was now scratching the back of his head in an expression as if he got caught, which he actually was. "You, Mr. Wolfpack! Just why? I mean, if you actually wanted to aware me, you could have simply and silently pointed to me but why put this all stupid act?"

"Because that's exactly what I didn't want, Azura. I didn't want to make it feel as if I did anything regarding this or for you. You did everything on your own. I want you to understand that it's never someone else. But you and only you. You're your own savior, your own warrior and your own power. You own this fire. In fact, you are the fire."


Azura couldn't really find any suitable set of words or even just a single word which could explain her emotions and feelings that she has developed and been developing for Theo's charms and care.

In multiple attempts to avoid and tackle Theo all the time, Azura never even bothered to show appreciation, politeness or just a simple and bland thank you to him while he kept catering her with care, dedication, support, encouragement and what not.

While her, all she gave in return was rudeness, hatred and disappointment. But never did the man ever let it show if he was hurt. And she was realising this all just now.

She begins doubting if he was actually an evil or angel.

"Just, how? How can you do so much for me and not even take an ounce of credit, Theo?" Azura wonders.

Theo giggles at her reaction. "That's because there's nothing that I did for you. As I said previously, and saying again, all your wonders lie within you. This sparkling fire is your own. But yeah, if you really wish, I would just say that I flaired a sorta nonexisting ignition. So little and tiny." Theo motions a pinching sign. "But if I'd say honestly, I don't even want that. The only thing I want, and ever wanted, is just to have a little and tiny space. In your heart, in your life. Even if it comes with disguise and your hatred. As long as it's coming from you, I want it, Azura."

Once again, Azura lacked words. Although Theo usually made her speechless with his beautiful thoughts and wonderful acts, this time he left her no other option than to do something that she never expected she'd do with any other than her father. Let alone a man, which she always tried to stay away from.

She stepped ahead, lifted her arms and rolled them over the man's fantastic physique. Her head leaning on Theo's chest, which helps her hear the thumping of the young man's heart inside.

And how would not that even be? The man has been counting days and weeks and months to have littlest affection from Azura and here he was blessed by a whole passionate hug.

And yet he was wasting time by not reacting to Azura's embrace. So, he also held onto Azura's frame and he swore it felt as if he was embracing a smitten, cotton kitten.

They stay still for a few more moments then Azura starts pulling away slowly, putting an end to Theo's dreamily real moment. Only to add more of it further as she sings, "I'm sorry, Theo. I'm so sorry. I've always treated you harshly, neglected you and even made you eat junk and yet you're just praising. Please, Theo. Would you be my friend? Like an actual friend whom I'll treat the best I can."

A smile of glory had almost come on onto Theo's face before it turned into a mischievous frown. "Seriously? Even after all this, I got friendzoned?"

Widing her mouth in an exciting blush, Azura smacks the latter's elbow and moves away shyly, only to be stopped by Theo as he holds her wrist and pulls her even closer to him. This has Azura stunned as Theo tuckles a few strands of hair behind her ear smoothly while sliding his fingers through her earlobe. Azura's eyes automatically flutter close as Theo's fingers go down.

However, the skin to skin conflict suddenly fades and the young woman opens her eyes when she hears Theo saying, "Later, foxie. Since my beginning batches are different today, I'll see you at lunch." And with that, Theo leaves Azura but of course with a wink.

Azura was just cluelessly standing, wondering if what just happened. And when she recalls the happenings, she goes extensively red and while hiding her face behind her hands in bliss.

Though, she too couldn't just stand, thinking and dreaming there as she was also supposed to be in the class by now.


Soon, the lunch time came and this time, Azura was openly looking for Theo, freely singing the latter's name from her lips.

"Theo, Theo…" She whisper-yells through the crowded cafeteria but couldn't spot the man she was searching for.

Soon after a pair of hands almost snaked her and she almost dropped the boxes of meals down to the ground but surprisingly they were held safely by someone and when she witnessed who that someone was, it wasn't that much of a surprise anymore. "Gosh, Theo! You know you could just simply say you were behind me and this time I'm pretty sure it doesn't need this whatever act of yours."

A subtle chuckle comes out of the young man's mouth. "Well, I know. But you just look extra cute when you flinch or startle so, you know."

Frowning in disapproval, Azura just shakes her head and shifts to another topic. "Whatsoever. Anyway, let's get started already because I'm getting hungry and it seems like we already lost our spot today. Many students came before us."

Theo nods while making a thoughtful face and then he says, "You're right. Then, how about we go and have our meal together in the woods. All alone in silence and brilliance?"

The lady frowns again. "What? In the woods you said? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, Azura. I just hit it. With this idea. It's not too far away from here. We'll be back in time. Now let's go!" And before Azura could even react, she was already being dragged by her now really good friend and she doubts if this was actually good or bad.

Either way, it was something she won't refuse, regardless.

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