


I go to Khalti. I knock and go home.

Me: Tata it's me.


I rush into the living room and see an elderly man who must be 43 years old, truck like that and Khalti, Tata, Yas' and Ani' pissed off. By tic, I frown.


There, I understood who this person was. I got angry right away. Even though I don't know him, but he has done too much harm to this family.

I return normal but upset, hiding it.

Me: Who is Khalti?

Khalti: The biological father of my children.

Sir: It's mine too.

Me: No I don't allow you to say that. A father would not leave his eldest son and his wife pregnant with twins. And leaving them in a very big mess. And there you come back 20 years later like a flower to rebuild this family? But don't worry this family is rebuilt after breaking it up. They're fine without you. So I asked you to leave.

Mister: But who are you? I have the right to come and see my children and my wife.

Tata: You're not his wife. Now fuck off and never come back.

The gentleman slapped her. Tata has tears in her eyes. Anissa came in front of him and slapped him hard.

Anissa: Never touch my mother again.

At first he was shocked but then he grabs Anissa by the throat and squeezes. She chokes, screams... Tata Khalti and Yas' crying, did everything to get him to let her go, but she can't.

Me, I saw red, I even cry of nerves. I sent him my foot between his two legs and he let go dry and she falls. She's in a daze and moans to him. Tata and Khalti tried to wake her up but nothing Yas' listens to her louse

Yas': Sniff his louse he's weak sniff

She starts giving him heart massage. There I saw more than red, even black. Anissa don't leave please...

Neither one nor two I jump on him whether he is old or not. Of course I didn't want it to go that far. If she leaves it's her fault.

(I haven't yet put on the bracelet that Tata made me)


I'm on top of him, they were doing everything to separate me from him. When all of a sudden. Tata and Khalti recites Quran out loud.

I quickly let go and backed up until I hit a wall, plugged my ears and begged them to stop because I was in pain. Tata comes towards me all reciting but I shout, I shout for them to stop. After a while I ended up suffering in silence. Tata put the bracelet on me... But he wasn't in my pocket. He must have fallen... No big deal. It calmed me down faster than usual. To say it works. It is for me a certification that I may be Comorian. In short, she takes me in her arms.

After calming down, I cry like a madeleine. Why ? Because I fought with an old man.

Me: Ta..ta I hit a sniiif old man

Tata: It's nothing my daughter. It's nothing. It was worth it.

Me: But but I hit a Tata dad, I'm disgusting. Because of this fucking jinn in me, I control myself more, I disgust myself.

I start to pull my hair and get mad at myself. Khalti slapped me. I am shocked. Thank god I'm more in control of this truck in me otherwise I would have made a truck that I would have regretted all my life.


I immediately calm down and say yes with a shocked face. It's the first time she talks to me like that and it put me back in place.

Anissa came back to earth a little while ago. Yas' gave him some water. The gentleman groaned in pain, he can no longer get up. From there Yazid enters the house. We all look weird and frown. We all have red eyes. And tia Yas' who jumps into his arms and cries.

I'm still on the floor with Tata and Khalti, Anissa also on the floor but a little further.

Yazid: Shuuuuu hbiba what is it?

(He hasn't entered the living room yet.)

Yas': There's our parent on the ground.

He drops Yas' straight away and goes to the living room and sees him moaning on the ground. He takes it by the collar and raises it.

Mister: I was going to kill this kehlousha

Yazid looks at me angry to say if it was me who did this, I lower my eyes to say yes like. He gives me a small smile and a wink and then he turns his head towards the other, annoying. Okeyyyy him.

Yazid: You are going to kill nobody sal zemel. Just try to take a step, I'm bumping into you.

And he takes it out of the house.

Yazid: I'm coming back

Yas': Don't do anything my brother

Yaz': Tqt.

And he leaves. I get up and go see Anissa.

Me: How are you Ani?

Anissa: -voice a little broken- Yeah Al Hamdû lilleh and you?

Me: Yes it's fine.

I'll wash my hands and face when I hear. Yazid and other person talking. I recognized everyone's path except that Mams is not there. They were all asking if it was okay. I don't move from there, I don't want to face everyone's eyes, especially Lamine's. It must be him the most reassembled.

Lamine: Where is she?

Khalti: In the bathroom.

I hear footsteps coming, it must be him. He comes in, I turn to face him and lower my head. He grabs my chin and lifts my head. I look him in the eye.

Lamine: You did well.

Me: I don't think so.

Lamine: Yes

Me: Huuum aren't you mad?

Lamine: Oh yes. I'm angry but I keep my calm.

Me: What did you do when you saw it?

Lamine: A straight line is sent to him. I wasn't going to let him go without him dripping on my right.

Me: Mddr kid

Lamine: He deserves it. Look he left, he slapped Tata, strangle Ani'. If you wouldn't have been there, I would have killed him and since you did all the work, well, I put in some of my own because I couldn't do it before.

Me: Mmmm ok. Well come on, let's go because the others will imagine trucks.

Lamine: Mmmh -perverse look-

Me: Stop, I'm going to get mad. You know very well that I don't like that.

Lamine: Mddddr jrigole hbiba.

Me: Yeah yeah!

We get out of there, get to the living room. Everyone is watching us. Okeyyyy

Souley and Nassim come over and give me a hug. Too hlou them. I'm going to sit next to Yas' and Ani', we talk quietly to forget what just happened. After around 2 p.m. everyone leaves. I'm going to get Sarah and the others, Ani' and her mother are going home and the boys are going to do their job...

*conversation not message*

Me: Come down, I'm here!

Sarah: Who are you?

Me: Melina.

Sarah: Annw jaja

*End of the conversation*

As soon as she arrives she gets in the car.

Sarah: You change your phone number all the time.

Me: Mddddr not even! What do we do today ?

Sarah: I don't know.

We go to look for Yanis and Karim.

Yanis: Where are we going?

Karim: Oh center co

Yanis: Okay

Of course, Yanis is driving. I found myself behind with Sarah. In short arrive at the center co. The guys bought clothes. Sarah bought a dress and all the trucks that go with it for her cousin's wedding. I didn't buy anything. I already have enough in my closet.

On the other hand, I did a little shopping, for the house and for Khalti. The boys did as usual huh. Then we went to the hairdresser. The guys made a gradient. Sarah did a brown Tie And Dye and I cut my beautiful hair and did a blue Tie And Dye (as in the photo of the game)

I wanted to change a bit!!

Me: Bababa my sister you are too beautiful.

Sarah: Mash Allah you too

The boys are coming

Karim: Ayayaye his laugh more

Me&Sarah: Eeeh

We look at each other and we laugh mddddr

Yanis: Have you seen how they lap up?!!

Karim: Yeah k.o in real life they are ugly. bars them

Me: It's good oh we're beautiful, assume.

Sarah: Let them not understand that they are the ugly ones.

Me: Mddddr yeah

We thank the hairdressers Yanis pays and we leave. We went to eat at the snack bar.

Then we all went home. Away, I went to Samir's but I got lost, so I landed in a corner and called him. Before that, I left to do the shopping at Khalti.

*phone call*

Me: Where do you live?

Samir: Where are you?

Me: To *****

Samir: You go there after there you turn left after right after all right after you come back to the right and you are in the neighborhood. Then you go to bat 5, 2nd floor.

Me: Okeyyy are you going home? Have you arrived or not yet?

Samir: I'm on my way there

Me: Ok bye

*End of the discussion*

I do what he told me and I arrive in front of the block with little watchman.

I get out of there car and get in without calculating and without lowering my head. I'm not a deer to lower my head.

I go upstairs and knock. They come to open the door and it's Salma.

Salma: Melinaaa?! -chock-

Me: Mddddr yeah!

Salma: Raniiiiiia comes to see the missile which is in front of me there. A brother atomic bomb.

Rania: Jaja

She comes with Idriss in her arms.

Rania: Ouaaaaaaah Mélinaaa too beautiful *_*

Me: Stop flattering yourself!

Us: Mddddddr

And Idriss followed the movement even if he understands nothing at all!!

Rania: In addition to your little piercing in the nose, too cute.

Me: Mddddr thank you

Salma: Good come home!

They bring me home and I settle down! The house is very well decorated, it's too beautiful !!

Me: So how are you?

They: How are you Al Hamdû lilleh and you?

Me too

I take Idriss and I play with him while talking with them. Babies are my love

Samir comes home.


Rania: No need to shout, I'm in the living room.

Samir: Where is Melina?

Salma: Well there!

Samir: Where?

Salma: Bah next to you.

He is next to me but I hide my head. Afraid of this reaction for the hair!

Samir: Stop saying tb Mélina she has long black hair. who are you -to me-

Me: Tshiip you're srx?

I turn my head to face him.


Me: Hahaha if you would have seen your head.

Samir: Waouuuh gou djisso (=> you're beautiful) my sister!!

Me: Mdddd thank you!

Wouhouuu he took very well!

Rania: A bomb huh?

Samir: Well yeah!

Us: Mddddr

Samir: Did you go to Mama's?

Me: Yeah...

Samir: What is it?

Me: nothing nothing

(The bracelet is spiral and gold at the end of both sides there is a ball)

Samir: You are hiding something from me and you will quickly explain it to me.

Salma: WAllah we keep our mouths shut

Rania: WAllah you can tell us all my sister

Me: Nah that's not the problem. Samir swears you won't do anything

He frowned and clenched his jaw.

Samir: What happened?

Me: Swear you won't do anything.

Samir: WAllah

Me: Well I went to your house finally to your mother and there was only Amina. She passed me the bracelet and she told me that your mother was at Khalti's. So I went to Khalti's and I saw Lam's father and the jum's (you know the rest)

To be continued...

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