
Chapter I - New-Gal (2/3)

"Confused of how and what you mean," the girl said.

"Well… he left the dragon planet and came here on Pluto. He was a Linguist like me, and Linguists have a strict no weapon rule, which basically is believed by everyone on the planet," Tacy said and looked at Mana. "Well, except some. Psychon had planned out a way to make ourselves as a weapon and no one liked his idea and pushed him away. When he reverted, they termed him as Psycho. And he continued his experiments secretly here on Pluto after being banished from his second planet, for being a false dragon."

As if waiting for Tacy to finish, Mana continued without giving a moment to process. "Well, the 'no weapon' is no rule. I myself know weapon art and wasn't banished from my planet. We just mostly don't like weapon art, that's it, like something deep inside of us dominantly stops us from."

The girl gave Mana an understanding nod and asked. "What was wrong with his experiments?"

"Nothing… except the part where he used to permanently embed weapons into people's body and let them be weapons for life. Nothing would kill them but dismantling their body parts… part-by-part," Kara said.

"Oh and in the end he did that to himself too by the way, and he is way more than anything he created, just like all the movie scientists' plot," Tacy said.

"So he was put down right? Psycho, I mean," the girl said.

"Well, yeah. The queen, who abducted us both, did," Kara said.

"Abducted us...?!" shocked and confused, the girl asked.

"She is just kidding; at least it is her reality humour. The queen announced Kara as her daughter after her actual daughter was killed by Psychon-Psycho," Mana said.

"And her parents accepted with it?" the girl asked.

"Well you see, actually the queen warned Psycho or Psychon, whatever, to just get lost from our planet or that she would bring her blades. So, his men broke into the castle and killed the actual princess by mistake and took little baby Kara instead. The queen didn't know how to tell her people that her daughter was dead and just defeated Psychon and imprisoned him for eternity. Found Kara, got an idea, announced her as the princess and asked her real parents to stay silent, simple," Magpie said, making it look simple.

"That is a big confusing story right there," the girl stated.

"Well congratulations, as now you must be the princess instead. As our queen died already a year ago, in addition you will be the next queen," Kara said.

"And now the story is pushed on me? Why…?" the girl asked in a rather silly way.

"Well, 'cause I don't want to and you are the only option. Hence, yes, you," Kara said.

"I… -is it just that simple though?" the girl asked, looking confused.

"Our planet is small and has around so many people who just will live with it. So technically, yes," Mana said.

"Is it a very small number?" the girl asked.

"Twenty million and eighteen thousand, last we checked," Mana said.

"It is a very small planet so. It's a big enough number though," Magpie stated.

"Well ok. I just have a headache on this topic now," the girl said. "And why imprison him…? Like he was bad and that usually means death my mind says, which is weird to say."

"Well, he can't be killed, but his death must occur naturally," Magpie said.

"What do you mean…?" the girl asked.

"His experiment was to get immortality or make them weapons. So, weapons just don't die but break themselves or rust and become of no use. Psychon's experiment made him that perfect and he is hence immortal in debatable ways. Now he is supposed to spend the rest of his lifespan out there in his one man spaced prison, in the middle of nowhere in space," Mana said.

"I get why he is called as Psycho now. Well none of your names are so peculiar luckily," the girl scoffed.

"Well, first we need a name for you though," Mana pointed.

"Yeah, totally," Tacy said.

"It will come I'm sure. Just need some time," the girl sighed.

"Well, take your own time, no hurry. Though people might want you to be a queen soon enough," Kara stated.

"Well, keeping that aside. Do you have any memory of anything, even a little detail?" Magpie asked.

"Yeah, like a small glimpse even," Mana added.

"I can barely define it anymore. All I have is thoughts of things, normal things and it just keeps rushing in and my mind reminds me of some disaster. Can't define it properly anymore," the girl said.

"It's ok, anything is fine," Magpie said.

"I just… don't know. It is confusing and feels more like a dream… nightmare actually," the girl scoffed.

"Well, doesn't matter, your past doesn't define you," Magpie said.

"And everything surely happens for a reason. Yours might be a puzzle now but it will unveil eventually, it always does," Mana said.

"Hope so…" the girl sighed.


"My lady…!" Harun called out reaching up to the girl, in an empty corridor around the castle.

"Oh, hey Harun, it's been a while since I saw you last time," the girl gestured.

"Yes, we just were busy with the new lab," Harun said.

"Oh, I didn't know that there was a lab being built. As much as I remember, everything was stopped after Psycho's happening," the girl said.

"Please do not invoke his name that way," Harun said giving a serious look. "I mean, he was a bad happening to us all. And we had to start for the betterment. And Psychon's findings were of use in the end to us and we will make better use of it than him, I promise."

"I don't know about that…" the girl said.

"Oh but Lady Kara approved. So why not…?"

"If she has, then maybe it is right, I don't know," unsure, the girl said.

"Well, anyways ma'am. How far does your memory go…? Did you remember anything?"

"No… nothing, not even my name. The girls thought of actually calling me as Nighin, but stopped as it sounded 'masculine' they said," the girl scoffed.

"It sure will all come to you, I dearly hope it does."

"Didn't you say that the queen asked you to take care of me?"

"Yes… why?"

"Well, you must have called me something, given me a name or anything. How I was and what I did to have caused this. Why don't you help me with that…?"

"Oh well… you see," Harun looked startled. "I was given the task yes. But surely I wouldn't have done it good so I decided on passing you to one of my pupil and I never contacted him later. And when I decided on you becoming a queen, I was said that my pupil had died and that you lost your memories. It sounded very peculiar truly but my pupil sure was no more. And here we are, with no idea because that pupil of mine and you must have gone on a journey which caused this. With all due respect, it might not have been your fault, but please be careful, dearly."

"Oh," the girl said blankly and accepting all that, but deep down, she got the feeling of doubt.

"I… take my leave then, my lady," Harun said and started walking away.

"Harun, one moment," the girl said without looking back.

"Yes, my lady?" Harun asked, coming to a stop.

"Do you know where Kara and the others are…?"

"Oh, that. They are in the throne room as I last saw them just a while ago."

"Rihbaz*," the girl said and walked away without looking back.

"You are welcome," Harun said in the lightest of tones, which the girl heard due to the corridor being dead silent.


The girl reached the huge throne room and the four girls were just besides a huge sword lying on a table. She just silently went and joined them as Kara just was trying to lift the sword up and couldn't.

The sword had a sharp edge and a blunt edge. The sharp edge was like a sickle, but curved to the back, towards the blunt edge. The blunt edge was small and straight, but the sword's blade was itself five to six feet. The sharp edge reaching to the blunt edge, still had a circular gap between the tips of the two edges; it was a pretty peculiar and huge sword.

But the girl understood why the sword was so and how it can be used. She always got glimpses of how to use a weapon as she saw them lying around the castle.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" the girl asked looking suspiciously on the try-hard Kara in front of her.

"This thing won't lift up ever. You try, come on!" Kara said gesturing the girl towards the sword.

"Uh… what?" the girl asked looking confused.

"Just testing a theory," Tacy said.

"Weird… but ok," the girl said still unsure.

The girl approached the sword still not clear of why they were asking her to pick up a sword. Kara just moved away but watched the event closely. The girl wrapped both her palms around the sword's huge handle. She stared at the large circle on the sword's handle and tried to lift it… but failed to do so. It felt too damn heavy.

"Not even her," Magpie sighed.

"Ok, weird happening but, it somehow seems very heavy. Heavier than it looks," the girl said letting go.

"Well, that is a sword used by the queen. And the similar one around the opposite of the room over there," Mana said pointing across the room, at a similar sword. "That one was used by the king, so we just try the queen's one believing that whoever lifts it will be the queen."

"And we are not, what… worthy?" the girl asked.

"Maybe… only we four think so about it. No one gets to touch it or knows of it so, we have our theories and bets on it," Mana said.

"And you lost Mana, just letting you know," Magpie said.

"Was worth the money I guess," Mana sighed.

"This heavy sword is the blade you mentioned of the queen? The one which she defeated Psycho with?" the girl asked, adoring the peculiar sword with her eyes.

"No… the queen never used them after the king was gone, which was Psycho's doing in the war. Her blades as she called them were actually small metal chunks of some very rare metal. The queen was an O.M.E.E.B., one more evolution existent being or O.B., over-powered being. Her power was to have control over that particular metal or material which was present in like thousands of pieces only. She could make forms of them and use it as a blade or more, as long as the pieces were enough to form it," Tacy said.

"That is possible…?" shocked, the girl asked.

"Well, somehow unknowingly but truly, it was. And now that is the metal prison Psycho is in," Kara said.

"Oh, and they didn't break after the queen died?" the girl asked.

"Luckily not, and sadly for the psycho-blade, he died for nothing after killing the queen. Seems the blades just will stay put, even after its master's death," Kara said.

"Psycho-blade is what we call the weapons Psychon made out of people by his experiment. It just was catchy enough to call them that. They just are not full immortal though and some still are out there in few numbers maybe," Mana said.

"That sounds cool but still not calming enough, as that they can attack us any time," the girl said.

"That is why we want to awaken these swords, heard they are good," Kara said.

"What are they called…? Do they have a name?" the girl asked.

"Of course…! These kinds of things require a name surely. But, we don't know what it was called but only its legend. Tacy, tell her now!" Mana said.

"Ok I'm the all-knowing of this small team. So it is said to be a beast killer. Legend has it that a beast could come out through time and cause chaos, not to be confused with Rahambose though. And people were afraid that one couldn't fight beasts with ease and made the two swords hoping that two warriors in co-operation would use it when the time came. Whereas Rahambose never reached Pluto until few years ago and only his news," Tacy said.

"Who is Rahambose…?" the girl asked.

"Well, we don't know. It is one of dragons' lore or prophecy which is unknown to me. The sword one is Pluto's legend however," Tacy said.

"Well, I know of Rahambose and he is real. It is believed that he is secretly happening at 'The Empire' at this time and a team is against him, I have met them once and even him," Mana said.

Everyone but the new girl turned towards Mana with a shocked look, the girl followed too.

"A team of dragons are your friends? And you never told us…?" Kara asked.

Chapter footnotes:-

1. Rihbaz: Meaning: thank you. Plutonian language.

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