
Chapter 76.

    It was a bit difficult but the presence of the rest assisted Kelvin, Sera and Gabriel entered the class, Gabriel and Sera were wearing a matching blue colour vintage shirt which has a beach background.

  "The love birds are twining this blessed morning" I said with a smile as they both sat down.

   "I love everything about this shirt you both have on" Gabriella said admiring them both.

    "Thanks" Sera replied grinning from ear to ear "Some people came early today" she added.

     "That's left for you" Gabriella replied laughing.

"Sera Good morning" Laura greeted waving her hands from the back seat.

  "Ohh I'm so sorry love I did not notice you" Sera cried out walking to greet her. "Laura is joining us today, that's good"  hugging her, "You are welcome" smiling as she returns to her seat.

   "Gabriel, Kelvin this is Laura our lodge mate and friend who is joining us for our group reading today" I said introducing her.

   "That's my twin brother over there" Gabriella said pointing to him.

   "It's my pleasure meeting you all," Laura said.

The reading started we were having elementary studies exam the following day separation techniques was the main focus because lots of questions could be derived from that topic, I immediately bought out the points I had jot down they were the detailed facts regarding the course then I showed it to them while they all snapped it for their personal use. The reading lasted for hours before Sera suggested we should try answering questions to assist us all in getting all we had read settled in our brain which we tried and it worked. The Ebook questions assisted us and soon we were done then everyone returned to their rooms.

   "Will you be eating tomorrow before the exam? I asked Gabriella who had her head buried in a book.

   "Yes I will be having oats before we leave" she said raising her head up.

 "Will you be able to prepare oats before leaving tomorrow? I asked.

   "Yes I will try waking earlier than usual, '' she replied.

"That would be better," I said.

   I tried relaxing a little by lying on the bed with my both eyes closed I wasn't sleeping but that helped a lot, I felt relieved after some minutes after which I began reading trying to get the detailed explanations of some separation techniques also trying to get acquainted with the diagram illustrations to be prepared just in case we are told to explain with it. You know what they say about preparing for an exam: one ought to prepare to a certain level in order not to be struck with amazement when some unexpected questions are asked. It was already late in the night Gabriella was still swamped with reading.

  "I will advise we both sleep now, probably wake up later in the night to read. We had read for some hours don't you feel our brain and body needs some rest? I asked her.

   "Yh that's true let's not read to an extent of all we had read erasing due to stressing of the brain" she said.

   "What time are we waking up to read? I asked.

"Let's wake a few hours to the normal time we do wake up so we can read and it will still be intact when the exam begins" she suggested.

  Picking my phone" I will set the alarm for 5:00am. We will be reading for an hour then prepare to leave for class by 6 " I said lying on my bed. "Gabriella, try sleeping now. I won't spare you a minute when it's time for us to read," I said.

  " I'm just arranging our backpack, Good night and avoid having bad dreams tonight" she said giggling.

   "That's not a funny girl," I said, throwing my pillow at her.

    "It's funny Ms" she replied returning the pillow to me as she lay on her bed.

  The alarm rang exactly 5am we both woke up immediately rushing to the reading table.

 "I have learnt the diagram illustrations for all separation techniques just in case we are asked, You can also learn them" I said to raising my head to her.

    "I had learnt three during one of the reading in the library that should be enough my brain can accommodate any other information at the moment. In Fact I have to start preparing the oat I will be having for breakfast" she said standing up. "Should I prepare your's also ? she asked turning to me.

   "No, there wouldn't be any reason that it would be cold before we return from class," I said, stretching my body.

    "Girl, go bathing after which I will do," she said, throwing my body towel at me.

 I walked to the bathroom as I bathed. I tried recalling all I had read which was working. Soon I was out of the bathroom while Gabriella was almost done drinking her oats. I walked to the wardrobe to pick a cloth to wear. I just felt like dressing a bit classy that morning even with the exam we had that morning. I picked a black colour boyfriend jean with a white collar sleeveless shirt and a white canvas.

  "Are you attending a party after the exam? '' she asked, looking at me dazed.

    "A party? No I'm not" I replied, packing my hair.

"You seem too dressed for just an exam" she said walking to the bathroom.

"I just feel like dressing classy that's it" I replied.

   "Ohh I see"she shouted because the shower was on"

   Minutes later we both were done bathing then we left for class.





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