
Chapter 268 - More Comes The Consequences

The sound of someone trying to force her door open made her stand straight, her hands curled around the handle of her frying pan, her gaze set on the door despite the dimming light of the candle.

Everyone knew about the red moon and what had been happening after that. The madness that spread through the people, and how sometimes, their homes weren't even safe.

Aniya took in shaky breaths, she really hoped whosoever that was would just go away. All she wanted to do was listen to her physician as she always did, and get better so that Lytio would finally let her see her son again.

It had been months since her baby had been taken away from her.

How long?

She couldn't tell.

Her time in confinement had messed up her calculation of time, but she had been out for a while now and she had been becoming better.

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