
Chapter 254 - Illogical Decisions

The door slammed shut as Kestra stumped into her room. She yelled out her pain and Collin wasn't at her beck and call to receive the aftermath of her defeat. She had already been told about the state of his health and right now he was useless to her.

What had he been doing in the woods, anyway? Looking for the Bride, she presumed. Coming to that conclusion due to her knowledge of the pretty little thing's stupid disappearance last night.

That was so stupid of him. He had probably slipped and hit his head badly in the dark, the rain must have worsened things.

She would have tried to pull up some magic tricks for his sake, but honestly, it looked like nature had kindly helped her get rid of Collin. After everything she had taken from him and all the secrets he knew, this was for the best.

The Physicians had said he was most likely not going to survive and he had lost a lot of blood when he had been found.

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