
Chapter 14 - Mystery is a "Next Trouble"

The strange caring royal gestures continued, from the King inviting her for breakfast, lunch and dinner every now and then, to ensuring that she was alright, to her going back to spend the night in his chambers because he wouldn't let her go back to her room.

She could at least bare with that, considering the fact that he was never in his chambers anyway.

Still, Belladonna was completely at a loss. She had no idea what the King was doing nor what she would have to do come one year.

Was that thing she had to do, the same thing the former Brides had done in the past and failed?

She was certain that they had failed because if they hadn't failed, he wouldn't keep being in a need of another Bride.

If what they were to do was so hard that all the past brides had failed, then what was the assurance that her own would be different.

In fact, it was most likely that she would fail too!

The other thing that had been making her completely restless and worried was the question of 'what happened to the brides that failed?'

Knowing that this was her life now, she tried to sought for answers in any way that she could. Got closer to the servants, became friends with them, and spoke to them on a daily basis while offering to help them.

They were all nice to her, in fact, they would laugh and gist playfully with her until she would sneak in a question, subtly asking about what had happened to former brides, and they would go suddenly quiet, the life drained right out of the room.

She had also tried to pressure Raquel into speaking but as if Raquel had known of her plans, she had made herself very scarce and Colin was the one around most of the time.

That one was a hard nut to crack.

He always had the same answer to her question all the time.

"You will get your answer in a year, my Lady. Only the King truly knows."

At first, Belladonna had been scared that Raquel had fallen ill because of her sudden disappearance, but once in the hallway, she had caught her rushing down the stairs, trying to avoid their paths crossing.

From that moment, Belladonna had been certain that her scarce appearance had been intentional. Also, that there was indeed something sketchy about the whole thing.

So, she took it upon herself to figure out her purpose here on her own, hopefully before her time comes.

Thankfully, the King hadn't invited her for lunch this afternoon and she was happy to spend it in her own company.

She had long stopped grieving about the betrayal of her family, she had bigger problems now.

Especially not after the gift incident. Besides, she was sure that if the King should sense that she was still displeased with her family, he might actually end their lives this time around without giving her a say on the judgement.

Once again, she found his actions absolutely confusing.

Why was the King that everyone, including her, feared greatly trying so hard to please her. She had nothing to give, nothing that he couldn't get from anyone else.

She walked out of her room, a book of all the suspicious ideas and theories she had been forming, tucked in her hand, when a servant accidently bumped into her.

"Apologies, my Lady." She murmured, not stopping her pace.

Her and many others were rushing to the door.

Belladonna eyes furrowed in confusion.

Since a week that she had been chosen as a Bride, she had never seen the Castle be so chaotic.

Was the castle on fire?! Was there something inside that was making them run away for their lives? Was the dragon loose?!

That last thought immediately made her dash for the entrance too, only to see that the servants had lined up outside at either sides of the large stairs. Also, there was a long carriage right at the bottom of the stairs and someone was stepping out of the carriage.

"So, there was no fire," she mumbled underneath her breath, attempting to turn away when suddenly an excited voice stopped her.

"Isn't that my dearest Lady Belladonna?!"

She turned right back and she slightly froze under the compelling gaze that met hers.

"Lady Kestra."

She was back?!

Wait, had she just called her dearest? DEAREST?!

Before Belladonna could even figure it all out in her head, Lady Kestra was already wrapping her arms around her, pulling her into a warm friendly embrace.

Lady Kestra smelt absolutely wonderful, like delicate petals. As opposed to her confident and sexy style, her fragrance was soft and peaceful.

Despite herself, Belladonna found herself slipping deeper into the embrace, feeling... safe?

"Our Bride."

She pulled back, her hands on Belladonna's arms. Looking right at her, giving her a blinding smile.

"Back to work," she snapped at the servants and they rushed away, but when she turned back to speak to Belladonna, her voice was once again gentle and soothing.

Wait? Why were they all being strange like this? Why were they all being nice?

Lady Kestra took her hand like she was her best friend and they had known each other all their lives.

"Tell me, my Bell, do you find the Castle to your liking?"

"You are being nice to me, Lady Kestra." Belladonna blurted out firmly, not ready to be fooled into another confusing situation. "Why are you all being nice to me?"

"All? You mean the King too? Why should we not be? You are, after all, the Bride."

"What does it even mean?" She asked, mindlessly following her. "I know this has nothing to do with marriages."

"You can't be too sure."

"So, it is about marriages?" She asked slowly.

Lady Kestra chuckled. "Only the King truly knows. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, just enjoy it all and..." she gently pressed her hand over Belladonna's chest, a little above her left breast. "...feel it all." She concluded in reference to her heart.

This managed to be even more confusing than all the explanations she had gotten so far.

Before she could ask any further questions, Lady Kestra was pulling her further into the castle once again.

"So, do you like the castle?"

She nodded her head slowly, still trying to figure out Lady Kestra's explanation in her mind.

"And the King?" She asked with a blinding smile. "Do you like the King?"

What in the name of Ignas was going on?!

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