
Tensions rise

' Thoughts.'

" Speaking"


' Tensions are growing. Professor Logan joined the avengers and attacked Utopia just a few hours ago. And now Rachel and Iceman are joining those on Scott's side. I've got a bad feeling about this.' I thought to myself as I sat in Rogue's history class. Rogue has had a long history with the Avengers. At one point in time, she was their enemy and managed to beat the team entirely by herself, making her one of the most sought-after allies in this mess. ' This mess. I know I should stay out of it. And yet, I can feel it. Something calling me. Telling me to join the fray. But this is different. This isn't some crazed religious lunatic, or an alien planet. This is a creature with the power to wipe out worlds. Power to burn the cosmos itself. I can't handle that. Not like this anyway.' I thought to myself. ' I think I'll sit this one out and let the adults handle it.'

As I was sitting in my chair, I felt a tug on my wrist. I turned to see that Julian had grabbed me.

" Yo what's up man?" I asked.

" Dude, who do you think's gonna win? " Julian asked.

" I don't know. This whole thing seems like one big mess." I replied.

" What? Dude that's so lame. It's obvious we're gonna win." Santo stated, injecting himself into the conversation.

" Santo, the heroes are fighting each other man, while a giant bird of death is either coming to kill us all or help us. I don't think worrying about who wins should be our number one concern. " I explained to the boy.

" Cyclops thinks it's coming to save us. And the Avengers are trying to stop him. Just think about it man, this could be our only chance of coming back from the brink of extinction." Julian explained. " I don't care if they are the Avengers, I hope Cyclops and the others kick their assess. And we should be out there helping."

" I don't know man. This doesn't seem like just a scrap. This is breaking down into a full-blown war." I replied. Despite wanting to go, I had this deep feeling in the pit of my stomach that things weren't going to be so simple as win a few fights and we're done. ' The consequences of this fight, hold more weight than anyone could imagine. On one side, this could very well be our very last chance for survival, and I understand why Cyclops and the others are trying to take it. But on the other hand, the Phoenix is dangerous. So, much so that Jean Grey, who was a previous host, went crazy and tried to destroy earth. She even destroyed planets while being possessed. There are just too many factors in all of this to say which side is right. I want to believe we can handle it and this is something good for us. But what if the phoenix doesn't bring us our salvation? What if it just destroys all of us?.' Is what I thought to myself.

" Alright, class that's enough." Rogue spoke. " Focus on the lesson." Rogue demanded. Upon her demand we all seemed to quiet down. Rogue then sighed and turned back to the board." As I was saying, it became clear the U.S entering the war was inevitable..." Rogue was explaining she then quieted down again when Broo raised his hand. " Broo, you have a question?" Rogue asked.

" Yes. Pardon my asking, but why aren't you going to fight the Avengers? My research indicates you are quite accomplished in this area." Broo asked. A question even I was thinking.

Rogue sighed and rubbed her face in annoyance. " We ain't gonna get a lick of work done until Ah discuss this, are we? Rogue asked. " Okay, yes, Ah fought the Avengers. And yeah, Ah did all right for mahself. But that was a scared, angry, brainwashed kid out to punish the world for her pain. Who used people like suits'a clothes without giving it a second thought." Rogue explained.

" So you're all mature no?" Julian asked. " So what? Our future's on the line."

" You didn't let me finish, Hellion." Rogue shouted at the boy making him sit down and shut up. "Yeah, ah have changed. Quite a bit Ah hope. But who Ah was then and who Ah am now... It's still all me. Ah start thinking otherwise that's when the trouble starts. Ah ain't gonna lie. It felt good. Ah felt unstoppable. Which is a big part of why things went bad. Ah've traveled that road, and Ah ain't going there again." Rogue explained.

I listened to her story carefully and I could tell that she was being genuine. But I could also feel doubt. Her doubt. And I only could feel her doubt because, I too felt the same doubt.

" Uh, I'm not trying to be a buzzkill." I heard santo speak. " But I don't think you have a choice." Santo said to the woman as he looked out of the window. His words made the entire classroom look and when we did, we saw three Avengers, Moon-Knight, Falcon, and She-Hulk ascending down into the front yard of our school.

I prayed things would be simple. I hoped we could stay out of this. But I had the feeling.... I just knew that this moment right here would be what forced us into the conflict. And I couldn't have been more right.

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