
Red Mist Servants (Part-2)

Just then, another putrid corpse silently jumped out of the painting.

It was holding a sword, and it swung it at Tevenlor.

It was fast like thunder as it smashed on his chest.

The suddenness of its appearance and the surprise attack caught him off guard, and Tevenlor was forced back.

"Your opponent is me."

The putrid corpse growled at him before dashing towards him. Suddenly, it disappeared in a swarm of bats made of ephemeral mist and then appeared before Tevenlor, its sword dropping downward.

Clang! Tevenlor raised his sword just in time, blocking it, causing sparks to flutter about.

"Let's dance." Tevenlor grinned at it.

In the very next moment, Tevenlor body-slammed the putrid corpse, throwing it into the wall. The sword dropped from its hands as its back thudded against the painting it came out of, ruining it. Before it could slide down the wall, it was stabbed by the sword thrown by Tevenlor.

The sword went through it, pinning it to the wall.

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