
Chapter 24

I dragged my tired body through this hellish landscape tired and having major PTSD.

the energy both made me stronger at the cost of my health, however, my regeneration was a curse, I could regenerate limbs in less than a second, but at least I'm a tier 8 mutant.

in this place energy was abundant and when I killed these demons I was getting restored and forced to be awake and wondering this place.

In this place, "bosses" were way weaker than the zombies from wave 6 so they were easier to deal with.

I walked up the steps of the castle prepared to fight the second to last boss, however when I entered I was kind of shocked to see a person sitting by a fireplace.

I walked towards her and stood there for a couple of seconds.

"Please, rest. the firelink will protect you," the woman said, however, I noticed that she was blind and she seemed to still be able to "sense" me.

however my eyes were already tired from the endless fighting I had to be doing to get to this place, so I fell asleep before I even hit the floor.

I had been in this place for so many years that I lost count after 320. I was trapped here, all alone, and in constant fear for my life, and here I felt at peace.

I woke up feeling rested and sore. I was so sorry and hungry but I noticed that I was in the lap of the firekeeper and she was spoon-feeding my soup.

"I-" I was about to say before coughing because my body was not yet used to the food entering my digestive system.

"Be careful now. you must rest for the final battle, and rest includes eating," she said as she spoon-fed me.

I swallowed before asking, "what is the next boss."

my voice was so raspy for not having talked in so long, and it sounded more destroyed than weakened.

"the guardian of the flame's job is to guide but not lead. if I told you now, what courage would you have to complete the trial? YOU have to go in, and if you pass you may escape," she said feeding me another spoonful.

"what about you," I asked.

"me? I have to stay here. after all, it was my curse to guard the fire of eternal life," she said.

"I need to go. I have to protect my sister," I said preparing to get up, however, she stopped me.

"if you go right now you will waste your life on something pointless. you have been here fighting for years, and now the opponent you will face has incredible strength," she told me.

"even so, I have many tricks up my sleeves to kill overpowered beings," I said getting up.

"then I wish you good luck, hero," she said and when I reached the door I turned around to see her sadly looking at the flame as if wondering what flowers to put on my grave.

I pushed open the doors and entered inside only to see an alter and pitch black surroundings.

"I have been waiting for you for eons," my voice rang out.

"I don't want whatever your selling," I said walking forward.

"dude you ruined my monologue," the voice said.

"Didn't ask, don't care, fuck off," I said as the energy in the room began getting dragged into the center.

"then I'll just have to take care of you myself," the voice said as it got more feminine.

I turned to see ME standing on the podium of the altar.

"you have no idea the god you messed with kid," "I," said.

"God," I said clenching my teeth.

"Now you understand don't you," she said before her eyes widened as I appeared before her face and punched her, causing her to break through the wall and past the firekeeper, much to her surprise.

I ran forward and socked her again sending her across the hellish landscape that was still full of demons.

I ran and killed anything in my way. demons, ghosts, and even curses.

the blessing with being too angry is that none of the curses, and attacks don't affect me.

"Where are you running," I shouted chasing after "me".

"Leave me, alone psycho," she said trying to run in-between demons.

I ran through those demons like there were bowling pins, and I was the ball.

I tossed my scythe which got stuck in the god's back, causing her to fall.

"wait you can't kill me. God will know about you and kill you," she begged.

"Nice try," I said grabbing my scythe and cutting her head off.

[host has killed enough deities to achieve high-rank divinity. now evolving into ??? the god of justice, power, revenge, and the flame.

access to the god realm is now available.]

I was immediately met with a lot of unknown energy, however, I knew it was physically changing my entire body.

my blood was being changed, and also so was my blood.it felt as if I was constantly on fire and before I knew it, I passed out.


(on the other side of the cosmos)

death was looking at the newly awakened god "eana" adjust to her newly divine form.

she was going to be in for a world of pain when she woke up, after all having a lot of divinity is never a good thing.

"what are you looking at," a voice behind me asked.

"nothing Micheal," I said canceling the mirror and watching Diana.

"your work is getting backed up again get on it," he said trying to boss me around.

"you know Micheal, I can't wait for the day to come when you get ripped a new one," I said smirking just thinking about what Diana was going to do to him.

"is that a threat," he said trying to size me up, with his wings pulled out.

my face morphed into a half-skeleton, and half-human face as I stared him down.

"the threat of fate has already been severed, and now she who walks her own path is coming, and it will be bloody. it's already too late for you," I snarled/chattered.

"what do you mean by that," he asked.

however, instead of answering him I just laughed, even with him threatening me I continued laughing. then I left him there disappearing into the shadows, leaving an enraged Michael there.

"it'll be your time soon."


guys my phone broke, and the top part of the screen is black. so stories will be slower than usual until I get enough to fix it.

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