
chapter 5

I opened my eyes and found myself on Melissa's lap. I honestly wanted to go back to sleep but I knew I had no such luxuries in the apocalypse.

I sat up and looked back at Melissa, "thank you."

"It's the least I could do, after all, what you did for me this doesn't cover it," she said.

"don't worry, what I did back then was because I liked you," I said.

we were 15 and I started getting Melissa into singing, after all, I used to have millions.

she landed up hitting it big and got signed by major companies. I however was content not going to other places.

but before that, I think it's time I explain how we were caught in a scandal.

see we were in a mall going on a date and suddenly we were swarmed with paparazzi asking us a lot of questions.

eventually one of them asked if we were a couple and she just smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

needless to say, after that, we got the hell out of there laughing at the stupidity of what happened.

"what are you thinking about," she asked.

"the mall," I said.

she laughed, "that was the first time I ever saw you blush that hard."

"alright that's enough reminiscing," I said as I slapped her thigh. "right now we need defensive perimeters."

"ah man," she said deflated.

I got out of the room and saw Anna walking way better than she did last night. I couldn't help but smile at officer Selina and DR Vanessa helping her.

"you chose good people," Melissa said.

"yeah," I said before my eyes lit up.

"I almost forgot," I said as I ran to the med lab.

I grabbed the bottle of pills and rushed back to the living room.

"everyone gather up," I called out to everyone.

we met up on the couch since it was a place all of us can sit. I pulled out the 5 pills for each of us.

"it took me a while to make these pills," I said as I gave one to each of them.

I popped it in my mouth and the rest followed me.

"What was it?" Vanessa asked through coughing.

"that is a zombie immunity pill V1," I said.

"so we won't turn into zombies," Anna asked excitedly.

"you guys won't turn but you can still be killed so be careful," I explained to them.

"noted," said Selina.

"good with that out of the way I'm going to go upstairs and snipe some zombies," I said as I went to the armory and grabbed my sniper and m4.

"Can I come with you," I turned around to see Selina?

if you know how to handle a sniper," I said as I attached a suppressor to the other sniper and threw it to her.

she caught it and grabbed some ammo for it and we left for the top of the building.

I pulled up another chair next to me and I rolled a smoke for us.

"you know smoking weed is illegal right," she asked me.

"Baby it's the end of the world what are the cops going to do," I said as I passed it to her.

she refused at first but after a while, she just gave up and started smoking too. I sniped zombies that would pass by, but we never attempted to fight a tier two zombie while high.

we shot maybe around 50 zombies before we headed back inside because Selina was hungry.

I carried her to my room where Melissa was waiting for me and I just put her down on top of her and we all slept.

and that folks how my story ended. jk.

I woke up a little before everyone and I went to the kitchen and ate some granolas.

I made some food for the rest of the people and went back to the couch and went back to sleep.

(a couple of hours later)

"wake up," I heard Anna's voice.

"I'm up," I said opening my eyes.

"Good now come on," she said as she dragged me away from the couch.

I sighed and got up from my sleeping spot and followed Anna to the shooting range.

"you want me to teach you how to use a gun," I figured.

"you said once I get better at walking you would teach me," she said with the baby's eyes.

*sigh* I pulled out a spare Glock and put it on the table.

"then lesson one. always assume the safety's off and don't point it at your allies.

lesson two: always go for the kill because if you don't they will.

lesson three: double tap, always make sure the zombies are dead before touching them.

lesson four: always assume somebody is watching you so loot fast and take what you need," I told her the four major rules.

"However number five: you have 15 bullets. always count your shots otherwise you will not end up shooting at all and that can kill you," I told her.

"Good now line up like this," I said as I began helping train her form.


out came the first shot missing the target by about five yards. I had to say not a bad shot for a first-timer.

"not bad," I said.

"Can I see you shoot," she asked.

I grabbed the pistol and without looking I shot the head of three different targets, all perfect headshots.

"cool," she admired.

"Now come on you little twerp, it's time for you to get ready for practice," I said as I lead her into the spy room.

the camera's we're up and we had the advantage in defense, but they had an overwhelming offense.

tanks, giants, bonehead zombies, and mutated humans. I shivered, it was happening just like in my last life too.

however, my next quest in 10 minutes should hopefully give me a decent quest, if it didn't then at least she should still get XP.

watching the screen I could see two tanks roaming together and I could see some vampire zombies.

I had forgotten about how chaotic the first weak of the apocalypse was before we learned how to defend ourselves.

"if you guys ever run into those zombies runs away as far as you can," I explained to them.

[daily mission (clear the zombies around the base)

mission kill: 73 zombies (including mutants)

reward: scythe of the undead, XP double week, ??? egg.

failure: lose out on XP for a week, seal ??? broken. ]

when I started to think about the seal I felt intense pressure before I regained my composure.

I wasn't going to let it break free. no matter the cost. something that could make me feel this much fear is an ancient zombie or maybe a demon.

"today's going to be a long day," I thought.


I hope you enjoyed it.

next update: Naruto and his system

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