
Crazy Lunatic

I pointed at Margaret and sent a tiny stream of red energy into her mecha to bring her strength up a couple of notches.

She wasn't quite at Emma's level, but she wasn't far.

"I don't think she needs to be exactly at Emma's level to win. The fight will be much more interesting this way." I thought to myself.

Margaret and Emma clashed in a powerful collision that would have ended the fight and destroyed both practice mechas if they were both not enhanced by experimental mecha cores.

But they were both unharmed by the clash and began their deadly dance of death.

Emma was very much the aggressor in that fight as she relentlessly unleashed attack after attack with her twin swords.

Although I did say that Margaret's fighting style was that of a deadly assassin, one that usually went for the jugular, that particular style was completely useless against the highly armored Emma.

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