
March to home

Opening his eyes, Reku immediately felt the light of dawn shone upon him, prompting him to sit right up and block the light using his hands.

Even though he has a tent that can be used as a cover, it's pitifully small and had many holes, making the sunlight pass through the gaps and eventually shine on his face.

'Breakfast time.' is the first thought on Reku's mind before he readied himself and began making his way out from the tent.

Upon exiting, he was immediately greeted by the sight of orcs going about their day, some were still in the middle of eating, some were huddled up in groups around an extinguished campfire and talking amongst themselves, and some can be seen returning from daily patrols, only to be replaced by another group of orcs who was probably ordered by Jan to take their place.

Spotting Jan in the distance talking with another orc, Reku began to make his way towards him.

Upon seeing Reku, Jan quicky dismissed the orc and immediately greeted him.

"Goodmorning Reku, how's your sleep?" Jan asked, a smile on his face.

"Never been better." Reku quickly replied while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh here, I save you some sausages." Jan then handed Reku half a meter string of sausage.

Upon seeing the food, Reku immediately grabs it and began chewing on it.

"Thanks." he even managed to mutter one word as he continued to munch on the food.

By the time half the sausage is already eaten did Reku stopped munching on the food and stared at Jan.

"Oh also, tell the others to pack their things up, we'll be resuming our march towards our home after I'm done eating." Reku ordered before he began to feed on the food once again.

Jan sighed before nodding his head, afterwards he began to make his way towards where most of the orcs were lazing about and started shouting orders at them.

After Reku was finally done eating his meal for the morning, he looked towards where most of the orcs were currently busy packing their things up and dismantling their tents, and as such began to make his way towards a nearby orc who was finally done preparing and was just standing, waiting for either Jan or Reku to order him.

"You there!" this immediately caught the orc's attention and as a result, stared at the incoming Reku with confusion and at the same time, slight fear.

"Yes?" the orc inquired, seemingly ready to receive an order from Reku and fulfill it.

"Go dismantle my tent." Reku then pointed his finger towards his empty tent before ordering the orc.

"Understand." the orc merely said and nodded before making his way towards Reku's tent and started to dismantle it.

By the time the orc was finished with his task, all of them had finished packing up their things and as such, ready to go.

Considering Reku lack belongings and stuffs, aside from his trusty sword and a small bag over his waist, he had to wait the entire time until everyone was done packing up.

Staring at the rest of the orcs in front of him, Reku couldn't help but smile before saying his next order.

"Move out!" And just like that, Reku and his company of orcs continued their march towards their home.

Aside from the occasional chatting between orcs, the whole journey was uneventful.

As they traverse large swathes of forestry and slopy terrains, Reku found himself thinking of the future, though he and Jan often talk with each other, every conversation he had was always started by Jan who was always too bored not to do anything.

And as such, he was mostly silent during their march, after a few hours of marching did Reku's mind began drifting on how to proceed once they reach their settlement.

As far as his new body's memory provided him, their settlement was composed of mutiple thatched huts, surrounding a so-called chieftain's hut in the middle of the settlement.

In actuality, it's just another thatched hut that is slightly larger and wider compared to the rest of the huts.

In addition, there is a crudely made fence surrounding the settlement, slightly protecting it from wild animals that roam the mountains.

He also remembered that disease frequently ravage the settlement, taking the lives of dozens if not, hundreds in the process.

And Reku obviously know the cause.

Though the settlement was located in the middle of a valley, there is a small stream besides the settlement where the inhabitants get their fresh water to drink from.

Not only that, it's where they get most of their main food source from which is fish, considering their settlement as a fishing settlement.

And as far as he knows, is also the place where most of them release their daily wastes such as excrement and urine.

'Such barbarity.' Was the only thing Reku can think of his new race and their lifestyles.

That needs to change.

And as such, plans began to form in Reku's mind in how he'll change this primitive settlement into a more civilized one.

And to enact such plans and reforms on the settlement, he needs to become chieftain of his clan.

'But that's going to be a problem.' Reku couldn't help but frown as he remembered that their previous chieftain has appointed an orc that goes by the name of Tula to govern their settlement and act as chieftain on his stead while they were away to fight the Terkits.

And if word reaches him that the previous chieftain and the potential heirs were dead, he would probably proclaim himself as chieftain over their nameless clan.

And Reku couldn't let that happen.

If he can't get rid of Tula, then this second chance that has been bestowed upon him would only go to waste.

And as such, his first goal and quest since he woke up in this world was presented to him.

Get rid of Tula, proclaim himself as chieftain, then enact his new reforms on the settlement.

Though it may take time, Reku was confident on his abilities, not to mention he and his orc company's growing relations.

Reku then smiled at the pleasant thoughts on his mind.

'What a nice start.'

After another few hours of marching, Reku and his group came upon a small river stream, just located between a hill and a swath of groves.

"Let's rest for awhile." Reku immediately ordered the whole group.

And just like that, Reku and his group spent an hour or so resting and refilling their water rations before continuing on their march once again.

During this period, Reku spent the rest of his time talking with each of the orcs and building relations with them.

Due to his previous personality, the old Reku only views them as lackeys and obedient goons and as such, don't have any form of friendship with them excepf for Jan.

That's why they were very surprised when Reku approached them and just started talking casually and act friendly with them when they expect him to atleast shout to them and give them orders.

Like a particular scene unfolding just now, Reku can be seen talking with his ninetienth orc this day.

"Oh, so you're a craftsman?!" Reku explained in surprise upon hearing the orc's response before patting him in the back repeatedly.

This sudden change of behavior and personality was a very strange thing for all of them, they can only stare at Reku with either surprise or confusion.

But regardless, he was beginning to give off impression as some of the orcs perceive this as a sign of Reku finally changing, and thus begin to see him as a different person.

The orc, not so sure how to answer Reku's words, just nods his head, confirming Reku's inquiry about his profession.

Seeing him nod his head like that, Reku decided to ask him another question.

"So what's your name?" Reku asked, to which the orc merely answered.

"Molk" Reku slightly chuckled at the name before giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Well Molk, I'm going to need your skills in the future." Reku stated with a grin on his face.

Confused, the orc now known as Molk, decided to ask about it.

"What do you mean?" the orc has a confuse and strange expression on his face as he inquired about it.

"You'll see." And just like that, Reku moved on from Molk and proceed to make his way towards another orc whom he hasn't talked to before.

Molk couldn't help but sigh as he thought about it, what is it that Reku may need his skills in the future for?

It didn't take long for the sky above to turn dark and thus, the group decided to temporarily camp for the night before resuming their march once again tomorrow, but not before eating their fill with the sausages Reku had just prepared for them for the night.






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