

Cadmus grunted in surprise, as he'd normally do whenever Blair became amorous.

He caged her face between his long-fingered hands and slowed her frantic kisses, capturing her mouth with his own and not letting her move until he finished. 'How nice will it be if we can do this every day? What if we start living together?' As that thought struck him, he released her and moved back a little, eyes rounding a bit in surprise-filled realization. 

'What am I thinking? That almost sounds like a marriage proposal.' Cadmus had no idea where he'd gotten the guts to even consider such a thing. That's what he really wanted, though. He could see himself living under the same roof as Blair in the near future. 'I'm sure I'll have to stay in a dorm again anyway, so why not?' 

He would take care of her. He would make her happy.

He would watch out for her so that nothing bad ever happened to her. 

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