

Out of nowhere, a few knocks on the door were heard, catching all of their attention.

"Looks like our guest has arrived." Then entered an all-too-familiar face. "It's for you."

Blair froze.

Due to the lack of light, she could not tell who it was at first. But after being together for a long time, recognition eventually dawned on Blair. For what seemed like the hundredth time, her stomach fell down at her feet.

'N-No, it can't b-be. No.' She tried to convince herself that it was all just a big mistake, that it was only a trick that these people did to make her believe the worst possible scenario.

That was until the silhouette walked further inside the room. And there he stood, figure towering over her. All her hopes shattered into smithereens at that moment.

She did not know what to do because in front of her was one of the people who should be looking for her.

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