

It was true that there were other people he could trick. There were other powerful merchants, such as the Cabinet Merchants of the Shionel Merchant Guild. These comprised the hundred most successful, powerful, and richest merchants and businessmen of the Shionel Confederation. These people possessed an immense amount of power and usually had private Martial Artists exclusively employed by them.

Yet there were very few that possessed the sheer scale that Rui was looking for to clear the fourteenth floor.

The two best candidates were Guildmaster Bradt and Chairman Deacon. These two people possessed the ability to quickly gather a huge number of Martial Squires and raid the dungeon swiftly and clear it. The rest were somewhat less reliable in his eyes.

('So either Guildmaster Bradt or Chairman Deacon have the be the victims of my little scam,') Rui mused.

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