
Is she sick?

Zach Song was seen rushing on the hospital grounds towards the research centre of the Hippocrates Hospital. 

Once he entered his lab, he took the tubes of blood out from his coat and from the sealed plastic bag.

He put the tubes inside the centrifuge machine and let it run for a while. 

From another tube, he pipette the blood sample and put a few drops on a microscope slide. 

He took the slide and put it under the microscope, and observed it through the scope, "this isn't normal," he blurted out. 

What he saw under the microscope was something that he had never seen before. 

"Was this a natural condition? Or is there something that contributed to this condition?" Zach asked himself. 

Science was amazing. From learning science, humans have discovered many things. 

Zach loved learning science since he was little because he found it so fascinating.

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