
Chapter 1: Rebirth of The Legend

It has always been my assumption that Death is but the next great adventure. I never actively searched for death, but I wasn't afraid of it either. Though never in my life had I imagined that this is how it would go or maybe this is exactly what I had imagined? Never mind, this was all just a theory for me until a few years back.

I was called the Prince of Enchantments, or more commonly Merlin Wyllt. The last thing that I remember doing was erasing the existence of magicals from the memory of all non-magicals on Earth due to the conflict that was at its peak between the two at that time. It was ritual magic and its effects were somewhat similar to the fidelius charm but a hell of a lot more complicated and draining which took my life as a sacrifice. That was the last thing that I should have remembered.

But when I opened my eyes, I saw a thin, blonde-haired woman with a long neck and large pale blue eyes who was looking at me and screaming while I lay on the cold winter floor. That was how my new life started.

It has almost been three years since that fateful day and I have discovered a lot since then.

Firstly, I found out my name by reading my caretaker aka my Aunt's mind, and boy did I find a crap ton of info.

Firstly my name is Harry James Potter and I am the son of James Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans. Aunt Petunia is my mom's sister and her husband is this big beefy man Uncle Vernon.

Now, According to Aunt Petunia's knowledge. While I call this place home, this bad guy called Voldemort won't be able to harm me and after casting some detection charms on the house I did indeed find a blood ward that relays on the protection of ancient magic, of what kind exactly? I am not sure.

I also found out that I am a Metamorphmagus. It is a rare magical ability that allows a wizard or a witch to change their physical appearance through sheer will alone, without the need for Polyjuice Potion, or a spell, as most of the wizarding population. It sure is convenient.

But, due to the Dursleys hating anything related to magic according to Uncle Vernon's mind, I had decided to lay low for a while and watch how muggles go by their daily life. After all, I was always fascinated by the muggle way of things but wasn't able to learn about it in my previous life because of the fight between the two.

Though, the Dursleys didn't like me very much either. Uncle Vernon hated me because I resembled my father and he hated my father because he made fun of uncle Vernon quite a few times. Well, I suppose his reason for hating me is petty but I 'shouldn't' change what a man thinks is right.

Aunt Petunia hates me because of her grudge toward my mother who was always in the spotlight while Aunt Petunia was left alone. So, now she hates me because my mother got herself 'blown up' and now she had to take care of me. Well, her reason for hating me is also petty, but let's just move on.

Dudley Dursley, my cousin that is the same age as me doesn't hate me because he thinks I'm cool which I most certainly am, but he also doesn't show that he likes my company because he gets scolded by his parents. So, I just let him be and we kinda talk sometimes when Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia aren't around, which is mostly not the case.

Today however was a special day. As Dudley and I were going to start going to St. Grogory's Primary School. Aunt Petunia had given me Dudley's overgrown dyed outfit for school which I had transfigured to fit the school's need and applied a notice me not charm on the uniform so that the Dursleys wouldn't notice.

The first day of the school was just an introduction to the teachers and the Headmistress Roemmele who likes students to finish their lunch. Just like that, months went by and soon Dudley's attitude towards me also changed.

Due to his parents spoiling him at every possible moment, Dudley 'became aware' that he was special and that I was 'a nobody' and so just like that even Dudley started to belittle me with his group of friends.

In school, things weren't much different either. I didn't want to make friends with kids who only loved chatting about some video games that were the trend among kids these days. Though, Dudley thought that I wasn't able to make any friends because he and his group warned all the kids to not play with me, and since Dudley was the 'strongest' in the class, no one opposed him.

Though, in terms of academics, I was the cream of the crop. Though I do hate one subject and that would be history, the one that I am currently sitting through. It's not that I have a problem with the subject itself but the one who teaches it.

The one who teaches us History is an old lady who wears wigs to hide her baldness and is an overall unpleasant teacher who does not like bright students and so I am the student that she hates the most.

As I was thinking about all of this while looking outside the window, chalk came flying toward me that I caught and looked at the old hag who teaches us history.

"Tell me, Mr. Potter, how did World War I start?" She asked in her raspy voice thinking that I was not paying attention in her class. Well, she is absolutely correct to think that. But I had already read all about the two World Wars that Mayfair Library had to offer.

"The spark that set off World War I came on June 28, 1914, when a young Serbian patriot by the name of Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austria), in the city of Sarajevo. The assassin was a supporter of the Kingdom of Serbia, and within a month the Austrian army invaded Serbia. That set of the trigger and many countries started joining in the war." I said lazily while still looking outside the window, watching children playing football.

She along with the whole class looked shocked for a moment but then they all remembered that I was the genius of the school that didn't respect many teachers and so Madam Barlowe kept shouting at me for a minute before I got agitated and raised my hand and so she stopped to listen to what I had to say.

"Madam Barlowe, why don't you pay more attention to your wig that has turned blue," I said and at that moment, it was like her wig has suddenly decided to switch color like a Chameleon. The whole class gasped while she removed her wig and saw that it was dyed blue.

So I had to take home a school report and because of that I was kicked out of the house until dinner and it was still the middle of the day. So, the only logical place to go was the Mayfair Library. I always used to go there on the bus. It was quite easy and I just had to use a notice me not charm on myself during the one-hour bus ride there which I usually spent studying the book that I had borrowed from the Library.

Though, I had to use a couple of Confundus charms on the Librarians for them to trust a five-year-old kid with a library book.

Entering the Library, I went to return the book to the reception table where the Librarian Mr. Paul was always seated while he tried to learn how the IBM personal computer worked which was launched only a couple of years ago. It was a big deal.

I just walked up to the reception table and greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Paul," I said while smiling.

Hearing my voice, the bald man lowered his spectacles and looked beside his computer to find lil old me.

"Ahh, Harry my boy. Lovely to see you today," he said while taking back the book that I had borrowed previously. As I was about to walk to pick up a new book, he called out to me again.

"Hey, Harry. Would you mind helping me for a second?" Mr. Paul asked.

So, this time he wanted to find out how to add two numbers on the IBM personal computer and it seems that he has been on it for the entire day.

"Well, you just have to write this simple command, Mr. Paul," I said while typing 'SET /A Result = 420 + 69' on the computer screen.

Mr. Paul always asks me how to operate the computer that he has just recently bought. So, after helping him I went to my usual spot and picked up 'The Principle of Relativity' by Hermann Minkowski and Albert Einstein.

I had tried several different Libraries in London but this one was particularly peaceful. I always come here at least once or twice a week. On holidays, however, I could be seen here every day. What can I say? I love knowledge, but I already have all the magical knowledge that a person can possibly have. So, getting to know more about muggle science was very cool.

But I was interrupted by someone.

"Are you sure you understand that? I mean people come here to learn and not brag about how smart they are," a girl said. She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.

"HERMIONE! This is no way to talk to someone. Apologize now!" a woman (probably her mother) behind the now named Hermione said in a hushed tone, as to not distract others. She had straight black hair and brown eyes that both the females shared.

"It's no problem. I get that comment a lot so I'm used to it. A pleasure to meet you, I'm Harry," I said. Professor Hearts who was my teacher in my previous life always taught me to respect women. Maybe because everyone in her neighborhood thought that she was a crackpot gal and wanted some praise from her student. But anyway, I respected her a lot and so I always followed this rule, to some extent that is.

The woman look surprised while her daughter was angry because she got yelled at.

"What a lovely child you are Harry! It's nice to meet you too. I'm Jean Granger and this is my daughter Hermione."

Granger huh? That brings back memories. Hector Granger was one of my acquaintances in my previous life who was so infatuated by love potions that he once created a love potion soo potent that even natural-born masters of occlumens were not able to resist its charms. He was an exceptional potioneer whom I had taught myself. Though his infatuation with the love potion was bizarre, but every man has his own taste.

So, are they the descendants of that guy? The older woman doesn't have any trace of magic in her, but this young girl does have a tiny amount of magical energy which is usually how much mana a five to six year old wizard or witch should have. Maybe one of his descendants became a squib and his magical blood is resurfacing or maybe it's just a coincidence that they have the same surname.

"So are you guys new to this Library?" I asked since this is the first time I have seen them here.

"Oh yes! Hermione here was very interested as we were passing by this Library. We are actually out here to do shopping but Hermione dragged me here to the Library first," Mrs. Granger said while snickering about Hermione's antiques meanwhile Hermione herself was busy being embarrassed.

"Ah yes. I also love books a lot and these latest theories in the field of physics have greatly interested me," I said while showing the book I was reading.

Suddenly, Hermione who was embarrassed just a moment ago started to talk about books when she heard that I was interested in books very much.

"Do you like to read? I also like to read all sorts of books but nobody in my class likes reading," she said.

"Hey have you read this novel about the Hobbit and Lord of The Rings," Hermione asked excitedly.

"Oh yes that was a good read," I said. That book had a terrific story and it kept me on the edge of my seat.

So, that day Hermione and I discussed different kinds of novels and books in general. I also found out that we were the same age, so I guess we will go to Hogwarts together. Though I didn't tell her anything about magic because I wasn't supposed to know about it.

Just like that, the day flew by and I had established my superiority of knowledge against Hermione. Mrs. Granger left her daughter in the Library because she saw that her daughter was having fun and went shopping alone. Well, I will admit that talking to someone who has the same interest as you does indeed feel good. I think we might become good friends.

Anyways soon it was about five and Mrs. Granger had returned from her shopping. I was also ready to leave, but then Hermione asked me a question.

"Harry your parents aren't coming to pick you up?" she asked me and Mrs. Granger suddenly realized that she had overlooked such an important matter.

"Yes Harry, it is dangerous to travel alone in the busy streets of London. Where are your parents?" She asked me after realization struck her.


I had only cast a weak notice me not charm on myself so that it would just distract the muggles. But this charm doesn't work on any of the magical and Hermione is a future-to-be-witch therefore the charm doesn't work on her and now that Hermione has spelled it in front of Mrs. Granger, it will not affect her anymore.

"Well, my relatives are busy and I have ample amounts of experience in public traveling so it is no big deal," I said casually and tried to walk away but Mrs. Granger puts her hands on my shoulder to stop me.

"I'm talking about your Mum and Dad dear, not your relatives," She said.

"Well, what can I say to that. I am an orphan and I live with my Aunt."

Both of them looked shocked for a moment before they regained their composure and Mrs. Granger patted my head to comfort me. After a few words of consolation, we parted our ways and I was on my way back home.

Just like that five years passed. Being a genius in my class, being pen pals with Hermione, and living a 'completely normal life' with the Dursleys, time flew by really quickly.

In these years I found out a lot of things.

Firstly, this blood ward was based on the protection of Love that my mom had activated on me with her life as a sacrifice. This gives me complete immunity to all Voldemort's (the bad guy) spells. Though I still don't know why this moldyshorts dude came after me in the first place.

Secondly, I found out that I had a foreign piece of soul in my body. It was just lying there dormant so I just locked it with my occlumency. Don't know where that came from but I can definitely smell that Herpo geezers foul magic- Horcrux.

That damn geezer Herpo was like a mosquito. It was nigh impossible to kill him with his phoenix Horcrux, but I am a living legend for a reason. Though our battle did turn The Green Sahara into a desert. But that was some six thousand years ago and I was completely sure that I had eradicated him off the face of the earth.

Then this piece of the soul might very well belong to this Voldemort guy. That would also explain the scar on my forehead. But I don't know what exactly happened between the two of us. I just know from Aunt Petunia's mind that he killed my parents and tried to kill me, but what happened after that, I do not know.

Now about my living place. I live in the cupboard under the stairs that has a conditional enchantment on it, like the room of requirements that I had built in Hogwarts. Though, I really want to beat those four brats for naming one of my castles Hogwarts, even if I gave it to them willingly. The castle had such a beautiful name- Alnwick and they ruined it.

Moving on, I had discover one of my new abilities just today when I set a Boa Constrictor against my cousin Dudley and his friend Piers Polkiss and locked them in the snake's container.

For that, I have earned my longest punishment ever. I think I should make a medal for myself on this glamorous occasion. Anyway, I lifted my bed in the cupboard and entered the room of requirement like room from the trapdoor.

There I spent the next month practicing parseltongue with transfigured snakes. I even remember having a lot of Tomes that I took from Herpo's base that was all written in parseltongue. I had stored all those books safely in my safest castle that I had only lent to King Arthur for fifty years.

The Camelot.

All of my most valuable treasures and the obscurest of knowledge are all stored there. In that castle is the knowledge of almost everything available on this planet and beyond. The wards in that castle are so strong that even ghosts, house elves, phoenixes, or anything for that matter would require my permission to enter that place. Though I am grateful that I tied the wards to my soul and not my blood. Otherwise, anyone with a decent brain and my corpse would have been able to find and break the wards on Camelot.

With that thought and a month of training on parseltongue behind my back and I was now headed to my masterpiece in every aspect.

With that thought, I apparated to a ground near Camelot.


This is just a test chapter. If you guys want me to continue with this fanfic then.

Comment Here

If comments on 'Comment Here' have 100 positive comments then I will continue with this fanfic.

And about my other fanfic, don't worry I will not be dropping it. Just that my entrance exams are nearing and I can't get enough free time to research the light novel and webnovel story of Tensura, but don't worry because I am inevitable and I will pull through.

Anyways, let me know what you all think.

Remember spread Love, not Hate.

With that Author-Kun is signing off.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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