
chapter 27

Aboard a phantom

Hundreds of phantoms were flying down towards Geonosis while their capital ships were still glassing parts of the planet. Some of the separatist forces on the ground had used their heavy weapons to target the transports and the capital ships.

The capital ships had ignored these attacks since their shields protected them, but the phantoms on the other hand had to dodge these attacks the best they could. Those that got hit were still able to fly, but major damage was done to the hull and any further damage would finish the ship for good.

On one of these ships a squad of grunts and elites were waiting for the ship to arrive towards the battlefield. The Sanghelios were focused and they looked very intimidating while the grunts were...well being grunts.

One of them was poking another's armor irritating him as he turned and smack him in the face with his plasma pistol. It looked like the grunt who got slapped was going to retaliate but stopped himself when one of the elites who outranked all of them started speaking to them all.

"While our air attacks drive these so called separatist out from hiding and running right into us. We will clear and hold the indicated zone. We have significant military strength to handle this failure of an army they had created." The elite commander says as he looks at them.

"Cowardice will not be tolerated once we make it on the battlefield. If I see this I will kill you myself." He says as the ship violently shakes while some of the grunts shakes in fear but refuses to say anything in front of their commander in fear of being heard.

"Once we secure the area I will deal with the leader operating the area. And remember. The humans want him alive, so try and watch who you kill." He says as the doors finally open and the land of Geonosis is seen as multiple phantoms fly alongside them.

On the ground they pass by hundreds of droid positions and there was also some battles already going on as many of their tanks can be seen being deployed. Once some of them landed they had started firing their plasma cannons as a ball of plasma was shot at the droids who were slowly advancing.

The wraith tanks were having a field day against the separatist droids since their only tactic was to walk in a straight path which was meet with explosions from their cannons. If they was to fly any lower they could be hit by the dozen of plasma that was launched in the air.

After a few more moments they hover over their destination and all start to jump out before firing at the geonosisans that were defending their positions. A few of them had started to fly towards them firing their sonic blasters at them, but most of them was immediately shot down before they could even shoot. One of them falls near a grunt dead who looks down at it in disgust as it was in a bloody mess.

"I thought the humans were disgusting, but this is just downright nasty...no no humans are still more disgusting." He says poking the creature before running off again.

In the front lines, elites were taking out the separatist at a fast paced while taking hits from blaster fire shrugging most of them off because of the shields that was protecting them. Those that had come close to them had a energy sword stabbed right through them. There was even some hunters who were giving their enemies a hard time and their tough armor had made them a walking tank.

Just as the battle for them was beginning one of their cruisers flew above them as a few scarabs was sent down. After sending down the scarabs the ship moved a few miles away from them as a low hum of it's plasma laser was heard from afar.

Moments later it fired shaking the entire ground while dust and sand started to fly everywhere blocking their view. The only they that could be seen for those few minutes was the repeated fire of blasters and plasmas being shot at each other.

As the droids started to get closer a super battle droids fired wrist rockets impacting directly in the middle of a squads killing mostly the grunts while injuring the elites who was caught in the blast. The separatist had even started to deploy almost of their ground vehicles with the hailfire being the most dangerous one of them all. It has fired a continues amount of missiles at them and it was the main thing that was really slowing them down. The scarabs seeing this starts to fire mostly on them and any build up of troops in front of them as they had started to lead the charge.

Any attacks on them was simply brushed off and high amounts of blaster fire and missiles was fired at it with none doing any real damage to them. Any ground vehicles was just a small obstacle that was in it's path. They were quickly destroyed by it's huge focus cannon and those that got too close was simply step on crushing it.

The separatist only advantage was the number of troops they had on the ground which wasn't going to work against an army like this. They had lost control of power in the air and the weapons that was being used on them was something that they had never seen before. They were being pushed back fast and all signs of an counterattack was just not possible.

Just when they thought things were getting bad the Terrans ground troops had started to drop off and the separatist defense was about to soon giveaway. Their only hope was to make more droids than they could kill while they waited for reinforcements.

Somewhere in a droid factory

In one of the main droid factories a geonosisan leader was talking to a hologram which was count Dooku. The geonosisan known as poggle the lesser was clearly panicking as each shockwave in the building caused him to look around nervously as he held his cane in both hands.

His quick paced clicking noises was heard throughout the room as Dooku listened.

"The Terrans and another unknown species is attacking your planet? Seems like the Terrans were hiding more than just their whereabouts and military capabilities." Dooku says thinking of the new enemy he would have to soon face.

The Terrans alone had caused major problems for him and his master's plan and a few projects to take the fight to them was already being made.

"It seems they've had an ally from the start and we are just the first to see them in combat." Dooku says as he looks over the ships and species of this new enemy.

The clicking noise from the geonosisan starts again like he was pleading for help. Dooku seems to stare at him for a while before making up his mind.

"I'll send a fleet to help your little situation, but this will be your only chance of escape. If this escape fails you'll be on your own. There won't be another." He says cutting the transmission as the geonosisan walks off in worry. He had already lost close to one fourth of his original forces and the only reason he was still alive was because the factory he was in was not targeted by them.

A republics space dock

In the space dock for the republic a Jedi was overseeing his fleet as they were all docked to get supplies from there.

He was seen talking to one of his clone commanders before loud alarms had started to sound off alerting them of an enemy.

Once he makes it to the bridge of the space dock he tries to see what's going on.

"What's happening? Is it the Terrans the separatist?" He questions off to a clone officer.

The clone officer hesitates not fully knowing who the enemy actually is. He had no records of a ship that looked like this.

"I-I don't know sir. I've never seen a ship like this before."

"Let me talk to them." He says wanting to avoid needless bloodshed as he opens a transmission with them.

"Attention unidentified ship. Divert your course or you will be identified as a hostile. We mean no harm to you and could assist you if you need help, but you can't stay here. Acknowledge back or we will have to open fire on you." He says as three venators move forward ready for a fight as fighters and bombers start to takeoff.

A minute almost passes by and the Jedi was about to tell them again to respond, but the same clone officer urgently reports him something first.

"Sir an unknown energy is building up in the ship! I think they are about to attack!" He shouts out in distress as the front of the ship started to glow as electricity seemed to spark from it.

The Jedi was about to call out commands to fire at them, but the lone ship was the first to fire.

The front of the ship seemed to become unstable before everything seemed to have stopped. The glow and the electricity had all stopped suddenly before a blue streak fires as it splits in three hitting the three ships engulfing all three ships in a bright blue flash. The attack had happened so fast that the only thing left of the three ships and it's fighters was now space dust. Literally. It was as if nothing was even there.

The Jedi who had shielded his eyes looks up expecting to see a graveyard only to see nothing. Even the unknown ship was gone. At first he thought they had left, but then a laser beam hit another venator in both of the bridges leaving it bridge less.

The only thing the Jedi could do was look on in horror as they were going against an enemy who they couldn't even see. And it seemed the ship was fast because the attacks were coming from one spot and then a few seconds later it was at another.

"Who are these people. What did we do to anger them." The Jedi says as he quickly sends out a transmission for anyone that was close to help, but by the time help arrived he would already be dead.

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