
One big breath

My quirk is an unorthodox one, but one I am cautious of impacting the environment with

I endlessly inhale and store what I've inhaled in my body, gasses fumes and of course smoke and air. It works with water too, from my experience sweeping the ocean floor of trash and poorly disposed car batteries.

The poor reef was home to many species including eels. If only anyone was capable of defeating the Chaotic force that was a Quirkless and overweight Florida man with car batteries and a delusion of heroics.

But I also know the power this holds, if I saturate my blood with oxygen that will allow my body to have to actually compress the gas, sure we are talking just holding onto air. How big of a breathe can a person take?

I don't know honestly. But putting me on a scale I weigh in at 280kg.

That is your cue to go holy shit. Am I

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