
Combat Class


"All that talk for this?"

Yoriichi said taunting Bakugo in a mocking tone.

"You focused too much on explosiveness, You're forgetting about efficiency"

As the latter said this word.

Bakugo released more and more ferocious attacks driven by anger.

Yoriichi then kicked Bakugo's stomach causing the latter to be sent flying meters away. Clutching his stomach Bakugo can't help but grit his teeth and anger and frustration.

"You are letting your anger control you"


Bakugo may be a hot-headed fool but contrary to his outside appearance Bakugo is quite attentive and smart, so listening to his instruction Bakugo decided to use a safe approach and dashed to his side and did simultaneous explosions while circling him.

"Good, you're finally using your head"

But you can never underestimate Yoriichi, he was just elegantly dodging that explosion while doing soft and complicated footwork.

and as the Legend Muhammad Ali said 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee'.

Going through the gaps of the explosion Yoriichi slips one of his kicks through, landing beautifully on Bakugo's face the latter was once again sent flying.

"Okay that's enough"

Okay, now that Bakugo has learned his lesson it's now Half-half's turn.

"Todoroki your up next"







And as all the student of Class 1-A has received their individual training it's now time to move on to the next stage.

"Now that the first part of this evaluation is over it's now time to see how strong is your will."

Finally evaluating their strength, Combat Wise, this second part is to test how strong or how built their resolves are in front of a true opponent that wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

To test how well they handle the pressure of death looming above their neck.

Yoriichi's weapon suddenly appeared, a plain katana with no notable appearance emerged but from the eyes of those who have known this was kind of like a death sentence, especially to the villains.

The weapon then quickly changed its appearance assuming a wavy blade shaped like a slithering snake.

It was the snake-styled weapon.

Yoriichi then lightly swings his sword in mid-air summoning a semi-corporeal giant snake that was about 30-meters long, the snake then became completely physical.

Its body circles the students while its cold-blooded temperature sends a chill to their spine, its slow hissing sounds like death music and its glaring eyes look like a hunter hunting its prey.


"Sup buddy"

Yoriichi said to Yichi lowering it's head and letting his master pat it.

His previous ferocious appearance was replaced by a docile oversized snake.

"let me first explain what this test will be."

"You all would face this snake's killing intent while maintaining your footing and resolve, this will be a test to see wether you really have the courage to face something unimaginable infront of you"

"Yichi, you know what to do buddy"


(I haven't been in mood to write these past days, our house was robbed and many of our stuff was stolen. So I have been quite low these days, I'm just posting this chapter so all of you wouldn't worry that I've dropped this.)

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