
What The Future Serves

Konosuba: Love Circle! REWRITTEN!


Loving Chapter #22. What The Future Serves. Ft. Kazuma, Megumin?


If you were Kazuma. What would you do?

After that whole thing, Chris was too embarrassed to say much, with Kazuma being a patient good boy, he gets the get out of jail free card, or in other words, not to be seen as a freak card.

He got lucky this time, but the next time he gets panties, he just wants to lick it clean. Seriously, there's no stopping this freaky pervert.





Everyone is listening to Luna's announcement. Kazuma already knows it's cabbage season.






Kazuma wakes up on a hill with flowers all over.

He looks around and stands up.

"What the hell? One second, I'm in the guild, and now- …I'm here... …this is new…"

He looks around. This isn't the afterlife.

So that means he didn't die.

Kazuma is confused as ever, he's getting deja vu. Even though he hasn't been here before.

"Ah! Kazuma. Here you are."

! That voice sounds like Megumin, but more…

Kazuma turns around and quickly backs off and falls on his butt to the flower bed as he sees Megumin, but… she's gotten different… and tall! Did… did she become an adult??

The Megumin that Kazuma is seeing giggles as she offers her hand to him.

Kazuma is confused about where he is, but damn. If this is Megumin, as an adult. She's better looking than Darkness right now!

He takes her hand.

It's soft as hell!

Megumin helps Kazuma up.

He's still the tallest, but Megumin did grow.

She's still flat for some reason.

"I never thought I would see your young face again, Kazuma~!"

She acts like a different person.

"Oh! Looks like you have something on your face."

Kazuma touches his face.


He's wearing Megumin's, or the young Megumin's, panties!

He quickly takes them off and hides them behind his back, a little bit embarrassed.

Megumin just giggles and smiles at him.

"I remember that time where you stole them from me, and really gave no mercy. Ah, just looking at it makes me feel so nostalgic. M-may I see them?"



Well… It is, after all, Megumin's panties so…

He shows them to her.

"It smells bad, not to make things awkward, they really smell bad.." Kazuma says, a bit nervous.

"Oh don't worry, Kazuma. I'm not mad." She replied.

"Just asking, did I die?"

Megumin rubs her chin before looking at him and shakes her head.

"I must be day dreaming then… If I'm day dreaming about this right now… maybe I'm dreaming about the future or something? I better make this count. Maybe I could make my Megumin like me more and not someday cut my balls off when I try something sketchy." Kazuma thinks to himself as he looks at Megumin.

Megumin walks through the fields and looks at Kazuma with a bright smile before she continues to walk.

"O-Oi! Megumin! Wait up!"

Kazuma follows the older Megumin.




Kazuma is bone tired. After chasing the older Megumin all throughout the fields his legs feel like they're going to come off any second.

"H-How the hell is she fine after walking like 10,000 steps??? And where the hell is she taking me…?" It's not long before Kazuma ends up crawling to move.

His legs gave up.

Megumin saw Kazuma just laying down on the grass and quickly walks to him and kneels down.

"Are you alright, Kazuma?" She asks.

Kazuma looks at her with a very tired and pissed off face.

"We have been walking for 10,000 steps, where are you taking me, Megumin??"

He asks really furious. This Megumin is really a hassle. Was he responsible for this?

Megumin just carries him and not even a minute she puts near a tree.

Megumin sits down with him.

"This feels nice. Just being here with you, Kazuma."

"I mean, I guess?"

… "It's been very lonely without you here, Kazuma."

Kazuma looks at her.

"What the hell is she talking about, this is the first time we're seeing each other and I can't be the older me, because she clearly said earlier I'm young and- what a minute."

"Oi, Megumin. If you're an adult here, where am I here?"







? "Megumin, I'm talking to you."






Megumin is strangely quiet, which puts up an alarm for Kazuma.

"She looks to be around 20-25… If she looks like this… wait! Does that mean I die???"

Megumin smiles at him.

"You're currently at the guild hall, just hanging out with some friends and stuff.

While I'm just here, and managed to find the young you."

"What was the silence for?? You almost scared me to death!"

Megumin can't help but laugh a little from Kazuma's being a little upset.

Kazuma sees a cat on Megumin, he has never seen that cat before.

"Looks like it's time to return back, Kazuma. They need you there."

Kazuma sits up.

"Wait wait wait! Tell me one thing first!"

Megumin looks at him and tilts her head.

"D-do you know how I can talk to your younger self?? She's very hard to talk to, or, you're very hard to talk to."

Megumin looks at the skies.



"Well, I can't say anything, or else it'll ruin it. But I'll just give you this."

Megumin looks at him and gives him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Be yourself, don't try to change, you're perfect the way you are, Kazuma dear."

Kazuma blushes a little bit and-


Megumin puts a finger on his lips.

"Time to wake up."









Aqua pours a lot of water to Kazuma's face.

Which led him to wake up

Kazuma screams as he feels the cold water hit him.

"Aqua!! What the fuck?!!"

"You weren't waking up! Get up already!"

Irritated and angry.

Kazuma's day and clothes are ruined.

"Kazuma. I know you just passed out and everything but-" Megumin reaches her hand to him.

"Can I please have my panties back…? It feels drafty…"

Kazuma gets up and looks at Megumin closely.

"U-um. Are you okay, Kazuma? You're acting a bit strange…"

Kazuma just sighs as he takes the wet panties off his head and gives it back to Megumin.

"Blame Aqua for getting it wet."

"H-hey! I'm only trying to wake you up!"

Kazuma looks to the adventurers getting out of the guild

"It's an emergency quest right? Well let's not waste any more time."

Darkness barges in.

"Kazuma! Don't worry, whatever that awaits us, I will protect you! No matter the cost!"

"Oh yeah, Darkness exists. Jesus, I literally have no taste in hot legal women that I forget they exist." Kazuma thinks to himself as he shakes his head.

He looks around before picking up what seems to be a long durable stick.

"Hell yeah. A weapon."

"A stick?" Aqua asks in disappointment.

"Shut up slut."


Konosuba: Love Circle.

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