
Break a leg Short film: Education Author: Morn kunthea

* There is a large snail known as the grandmother snail, and on her shell there is a small village made from groups of snails. Her snail shell is made from a piece of watermelon, and on that piece of watermelon is a snail house made from limestone powder. The snail group loves the snail grandmother like their biological mother because she always takes them on trips around the world. Sometimes the Snail Grandma provides a place to stay for snails that have problems along the way. next visit Grandma Snail will go to the desert area to learn about the culture and civilization of the people who live there.

* When grandma's snail arrived in Egypt, she collected books related to geography and history to guide her group of snails to learn more about the places they were visiting. In front of the pyramid, a group of snails took down from Grandma's snail shell to take photo. In particular, they brought pens and notebooks written from the main points that Grandma Snail explained to them. They went to visit other pyramids until sunset, then went to the village market to buy groceries and other necessities. Arriving at the market, which is full of different groups of animals, walk around and shop in the streets. Suddenly, it rained so hard that the group of snails hurried back home. breaking a leg, they have a grandma's snail shell that her shell can protect them in all weather and in all situations. The snail group brought the possibility of shopping directly from the windows of their house. They dropped the chain of baskets and put the money in their basket to order things.

* Because tomorrow is Grandma Snail's birthday, Snail's group decided to fundraise to buy a gift for Grandma Snail. They wrote a letter in the basket stating that they wanted to buy two pairs of shoes with snail feet of the same size and asked the seller when to take the shoes into the basket, please cover the blanket on the shoes. The seller, after reading the latter, smiles and looks at Grandma Snail's feet to estimate the size of her feet. Then he put the shoes in the basket and covered it with blanket. Grandma's snail asked her group if they had finished shopping, they replied that they were already shopping and told her to continue walking. Grandma Snail has decided resting under a large palm tree with the beautiful full moon shining at night. In the morning, she went to another area. she went to a village where cats were fishing in the river. As she took a lunch break, a group of snails sang a birthday song to her. she was so excited and she was even more surprised when she received gifts. The snail group said it was a small gift as it could not be compared to the generosity of the snail grandmother who provided them with warm shelter and took them on trips around the world. After saying that, they walked around Grandma Snail and hugged her lovingly. Practice random cuteness and senseless beauty acts.

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