
A Lovely Date And An Interaction With Elijah

Caroline was ready almost ten minutes before seven o'clock. She was actually looking forward to this date. She hadn't gone on a date for five months now. She felt a little nervous.

She smiled, the door knocked. She opened it.

Klaus Mikaelson stood behind the door, she smiled.

Klaus was frozen in his place,

"You look….." He waited. He waited for words. "You look amazing."

She smiled. She had a red dress on. She loved it, but hadn't worn it once.

"Thank you."

A car was parked in front of the house.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see."

He opened a door for her. Klaus was driving.

"Where are we going?" She asked again, when she saw the sign that said, 'Goodbye, Mystic Falls!'

"You'll see!" Klaus smiled.

They stopped in front of a huge garden, Klaus opened the padlock on the gate, and opened it.

She was surprised, she didn't know what this place was, or whose it was.

Klaus chose a night, with a full moon. Many stars shone, it was a clear night. She looked up, and smiled.

"It's amazing, Klaus." She looked up, "Wow…."

Miles and miles of grass around.

"A picnic under the sky?" Caroline asked, "You really pulled all the strings, how do you know I love night time picnics?"

He smiled,

"I managed…...And I listen."

She raised her eyebrows,

"Okay….Sometimes, I listen!"

She laughed.

After twenty minutes, Klaus took Caroline deep into the place,

Caroline stopped,

"Is that a horse I hear?" She asked,


"You brought a horse," She said, "For a date."

"Correction." Klaus held up a finger, "I bought a horse, for not just any date, for you."

She smiled.


"You once mentioned you liked horses."

"That was like three years ago." She exclaimed.

"I could never forget…." He had a one sided on his face.

She had so much fun that day that she couldn't believe herself, and Klaus. She couldn't believe how nice Klaus was being.

"Caroline…?" Klaus stopped the car in front of the Forbes House. "I had an amazing night."

"I can't believe I am saying this," Caroline told him, "So did I!"

She smiled, he was quiet. She opened the door,

"Well, it's me!" She got out, she knew that Klaus would be driving to wherever he was going. She couldn't ask. She thought if she did, maybe the temptation to reach him would overcome her.

She walked over to her house. She went inside the house, and threw her purse on the sofa, and sighed.

She didn't hear the car drive away. She was almost at the end of the hallways, she came back to the door. Her hand on the doorknob, she could hear him breathing. His hand was on the door knob, he could hear her breathing.

She pulled the door,

"Caroline…I just can't go back...…."

"Please, don't leave me!" She whispered.

He kissed her.

"Caroline Forbes…" His eyes pierced into hers. "I haven't been able to get you out of my head from the moment I met you."

She was close to him, very close.

"You showed me light in myself when I thought I had no hope for myself, I had grown to hate my existence."

She smiled.

"I am sorry, Klaus….." She told him, "I should have given you a chance from the beginning."

Caroline Forbes smiled, and allowed him to come inside the house.

Caroline's eyes sparkled, it was that excitement that sent chills down her spine. She felt amazing, maybe different, different than usual. She hadn't felt excitement like that ever.

Caroline and Klaus spent the next few months together, almost inseparable, that Stefan got worried. He thought Klaus had finally gone mad and had compelled Caroline.

Caroline waking down the street, she was needed to head to plan the new park the Fells had contributed to the town.

"Oh...Hi, Stefan!" She smiled, as he came out of nowhere and started to walk with her.

"Caroline…." He came in front of her,

"What?" She said, looking confused. "I'm late…"

"I have to talk!"

"Yes….We can walk and talk at the same time!"

She told Stefan, and he got out of the way.

They started to walk again.

"Caroline…" She looked at him.

"What happened, Stef?" She sighed, and finally stopped walking. "You are acting strange."

"Do you like Klaus?" he asked.

"Yes...Why?" Caroline looked at him, confused and a little upset. "Why would you ask such a question?"

"I am just wondering if he didn't use his original magic on you."

Caroline looked confused.

"I am sorry!" She stared at him. "Can you just spit it out?"

"Did he compel you?" He asked.

"No!" She shook her head and started to walk again. "I really like him! He's nice."

"Nice?" Stefan snorted, "Are you sure that you didn't get a head bump?"

"Damon Salvatore was the biggest jerk Elena had met when he came to town." She stopped in front of Stefan, "She loves him so much that she can't think of anyone else."

She stopped, Stefan was in a thought.

"I think I am falling in love with him." She told Stefan, "He is something else people never look at as a person. He is just the big bad wolf, the evil, a villain for everyone. But, he is someone."

She started walking again.

"He has a personality." She said, "And maybe try to get to know him."

She smiled. Stefan caught up with her.

"I'm sorry, Caroline."

"It's okay, Stefan….Just don't judge my judgment of people."

"Okay.." Stefan told her.

"Promise me!" Caroline stopped again.

"I promise…" Stefan smiled. Afraid she would be mad. But she returned it.

"Coming to the Fell Park….."

"I am not…." He started to say.

"Yes, you are!" She told him, "I mean, this is your town too, Stefan! You eat people here…...the least you can do is help make a park for the kids."

"Fine!" She held her hand, and dragged him ahead.

Stefan smiled, he loved it that she forgave so quickly.

Caroline Forbes was in her house, she was talking to Bonnie on the phone,

"Well, did you get a breakthrough?" She asked, "I feel so alone without you!"

Bonnie smiled, Elena wasn't there, she knew how Caroline was feeling, she missed her too.

"I know….I think I have a lead with this witch I am going to see tomorrow!"

"Great!" Caroline smiled brightly, "Please, get the cure, come home! I'll throw both of you a great party!"

"I know you will!" Bonnie smiled,

"It's going to be amazing!" Caroline got excited, "I'll ask Damon to bring some things over from Paris, so we can really rock this party…."


"Okay….I am getting carried away!" Caorline piped down,

She heard her door knock.

"I think someone's at the door, Bon!" She told her, "I'll call you later."

"Is it Klaus?" Bonnie asked,

"No….He doesn't knock anymore!" Caroline told her, "I'll call you back!"

"Bye!" Bonnie told her.

"Bye, Bon…" Caroline threw her phone on the couch.

The door knocked again.

"Coming!" She shouted, and walked over to the door, and opened it.

It was a strange man standing behind her. A man with a suit. She looked at him, holding the side of the door,

"Hi!" Caroline didn't know who he was. "Can I help you?"

"Can I get a hold of a girl who lives in this town, I don't know anything about her." He said, pulling his jacket. "Just her name!"

"Sure, it's a small town, I might be able to tell who she is!" Caroline told him, smiling.

"Carolina, Caroline Forbes?" He asked.

"That would be me." Caroline let go of the door, and stepped out of the house. "But, I don't know you!"

He smiled.

"Can I ask who you are?" She asked.

"Elijah Mikaelson." He told her.

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