
You can't go to jail, not yet

Rupert adjusted his glasses and scanned the documents before him, assessed his own notes of the proceedings.

He then with a bob of his head looked to Nic "Unfortunately due to you accepting guilt mister Harvert I have no choice but to ask the authorities to take you away immediately so we can continue the case at hand"

"No!" Bella called standing up but realized she overspoke, holding her hands together she worridly looked at Ashton, almost as if this was the last man left who can save the situation.

"Be at ease Miss Belladonna..." he said looking to Rupert "Unfortunately I am not done questioning mister Harvert, it is important to me that he stays here"

Rupert nodded "Very well, Nicolas Harvert, you agree to stay put until the initial case is resolved?"

"Of course" he replied.

"Good then, I see no problem with it"

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