
Wood elf unit

Alex and Lu Jin ran up the battlement only to be met with a gruesome scene of dead soldiers littered everywhere. Every one of these corpses resembled a porcupine, riddled with arrows, which left them wondering why their soldiers who held the higher ground were losing to the elves in this kind of battle. Walking up the battlement, another volley of arrows from the elves rose into the sky, blocking the sun. Almost immediately soldiers began scrambling for shields which were already riddled with arrows, the fear of the elves in their eyes was so visible even Alex couldn't help but wonder if the elves were truly this strong.

"The wood elves are archers that have been trained their whole life to wield the bow." Lu Jin said casually, completely ignoring the arrows descending upon them. "Considering the life span of the elves runs in centuries, it is natural for our soldiers who are less experienced to lose even with all these overwhelming advantages," he explained.

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