

'What do I do?!' Selena screamed in her mind as she held her head in her hands. She didn't want Kanzaki to get hurt but at the same time, she didn't want him to be scared of her. She wished that the police would arrive sooner rather than later. When the second bowl exploded open and hit Kanzaki Selena almost broke down crying.

She wanted to rush over there and help him but there were so many thoughts running in her mind that she was paralyzed. Her indecision went on so long that Landon ended up on top of Kanzaki. When Selena saw this her mind went blank and the closer that Landon's lips got to Kanzaki's the more a certain train of thought entered her head.

'I want him to stay safe but if I protect him he will be scared of me. I don't want Landon to kiss him. He's mine. He's mine? If he's mine then it doesn't matter what I do to him. If he's scared of me I can just lock him away forever until he isn't afraid anymore. I should do as I please not only to protect him but to guarantee our love. Everything can be fixed so I will do what I want. Maybe he will accept me and forgive me.' Selena had these thoughts running in her mind over and over but right when Landon was about to kiss Kanzaki she didn't care anymore and rushed toward Landon like a rabid animal.

When Landon's lips were within centimeters of Kanzaki's lips Selena raised the pan as high as she could before swinging it sideways into the skull of Landon shooting him to the side and off of Kanzaki. When Landon landed on the ground Selena could immediately see that blood was beginning to spill all over the place but she didn't care about that.

Instead, she was focused on the look of Kanzaki who was looking at her with extreme fear. She didn't want him to look at her like that and she would change that look but at the moment the only thing she felt when looking at it was sadness. She didn't want him to leave or think of her poorly. She wanted him to love her and to treat her just as he had since the beginning.

Before she knew it tears were streaming down her face and she fell to her knees too weak to stand up anymore. She began crying harder than she had ever cried before which let her know within her mind that Kanzaki was more important than anything else in her life.

Right when she was going to hit her lowest point a pair of warm arms wrapped around her body, hugging her tightly. It was such a comforting hug that Selena even stopped crying for a moment to look up. The only thing she saw when she looked up was the face of Kanzaki looking at her with worry saying, "It's alright I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." When those comforting words came out of Kanzaki's mouth Selena began crying more while latching onto Kanzaki in a deep hug.


When Kanzaki saw Selena begin to cry it overwhelmed him with a feeling of sadness. He didn't want her to feel like that and based on the situation she was crying due to him for some reason so it was his job to comfort her and to let her know it was alright.

With this thought in mind, Kanzaki stood up beside the dying body and walked over to Selena latching her into a deep hug. Once he hugged her she stopped for a moment to look at him before crying harder as he whispered to her everything was alright.

The hug lasted all the way until the police arrived, "Is everyone alright in here?!" An officer shouted after seeing that the door was open. They didn't wait long and walked in before Kanzaki could answer.

When they walked into the kitchen and saw the body lying on the floor now unresponsive the officer and soon after another officer quickly found Selena and Kanzaki to pull guns on them, "Slowly stand up with your hands up!" They both shouted.

When Kanzaki saw them with guns in their hand he froze and slowly followed their instructions. He was slightly mad at first since the people who they called to the apartment now had guns pointed at them but he also understood that they had no idea who was who and the situation that had transpired.

Selena also realized the same thing so they both followed instructions without question before being brought out in handcuffs. Once they were outside of the apartment the police took time to question both of them while transporting Landon's body to the hospital. Apparently, he was still alive albeit barely.

After figuring out what truly happened and seeing proof of it through the hallway cameras Selena and Kanzaki were both let go by the police and sent back to their homes. However, Kanzaki couldn't stay in his apartment anymore since it was a crime scene.

Selena could also no longer stay in the apartment that she lived in since it was being used in an investigation on Landon. Apparently once he arrived at the hospital they did a few samples of his blood and fingerprints which made them find out he was connected to many other cases that had been unsolved.

The biggest of those cases were the ones involving other men that were kidnapped and used to the predator's will. He was also found to be linked to the guy Kanzaki helped to get to the hospital. When they contacted Kanzaki about that he was quite scared about how close he had been to being trapped by Landon as well but also happy since he was able to help catch him.

"Do you have a place to stay for the night?" Selena asked Kanzaki once he got the clothes he was allowed to grab out of his apartment along with a few other things.


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Authors Note: Thank you all for reading! Sorry for the mistake earlier for those who know about it. That chapter was meant to be posted on my other book. Don't forget to send power stones if you want more chapters on Sunday! Hope you have a great day and see you tomorrow!

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