
Retaking Sorus

The ground troops led by Shane encountered minimal resistance as they drove down the street. A few Zaphounds were spotted in the alleys, but there were no Galvatrons around.

Guzman and his Scouts had their eyes on the sky. So far, they hadn't spotted any troop carriers or attack choppers. 

The Resistance convoy reached the first Settler Camp without any incident. Most of the machines had pulled back because there was nothing to guard anymore. Even the electric fences were down. The camp was only protected by a handful of automatic machine gun turrets.

Shane didn't want to waste ammunition on these basic defenses, so he ordered his men to hold their fire. Instead of destroying the turrets, he simply disabled them with a well-placed EMP grenade. Shane's hummer rammed into the camp's barbed gate and knocked it down. The rest of the vehicles followed in tow, moving in a single straight file.

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