
The Next Morning


(Elayne's POV)

As the morning came, I found myself sleeping at the side of Elisa… Ah, I guess I really did that. I should really get away from her while- Ah, she woke up! Let's pretend I am asleep!

I quickly closed my eyes as Elisa looked at me with surprise for a bit.

"Ah… A-Auntie?!" Elisa quickly grew a bit red in embarrassment.

Damn it… I guess I have to pretend I was sleeping for now…

I slowly opened my eyes and greeted her.

"Good morning Ely, are you okay? You had nightmares last night so… I decided to stay here and comfort you a bit… S-Sorry if it was a bit weird…" I quickly apologized. I was honestly genuinely worried about those nightmares.

"Ah… N-No, it is fine. Thanks for being so nice with me… It feels like I owe you even more now…" Elisa giggled a bit. She seemed slightly happy and not angry at me at all!

Phew, I am glad she doesn't think I am a pervert or something…

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