
Lightning Cannon


   Water splashed around violently as the large palm crashed into the ground along with Pier.

   Pier's eyes widened in pain, as his back slammed into the ground with force. He couldn't even let out a grunt, as water rapidly filled his mouth in the next second. 

   Fortunately for him, his back didn't hit the hard ground with full force. The water around the large palm helped cushioned his fall a little, if not, his spine would have snapped into two from that one crash alone.

   Nonetheless, he still felt immense pain shoot up from his spine, rapidly coursing through the rest of his back.

    He wanted to shout, break free from the hold of the water palm, but the water pressure simply pressed him harder into the ground.

  It was like he was drowning, and his more of his strength left with each passing second, with the only thing left being the stinging pains assaulting him from his back.

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