
I'am I going to die.

feng-yan start crying on her faith she had died once she doesn't fear from dieing again but she don't want to die that early she is still a baby. the big grey wolf howl scaring her feng-yan used her tiny body as advantage to slip away from the grib of the wolf standing on her feet she start running away from the wolf. the wolf was following her from her back she notice that the wolf was injured that why she was available to run away she quickly hide inside the tree hole since her body was small she easily fit inside the hole. wolf try to take her outside the hole but his gaint body was not able to take her out but he was not ready to leave her alone he sit in front of the tree waiting for for her.

while feng-yan was looking at the wolf laying on the ground outside of the tree she decide to wait till the wolf fell a sleep she notice that one of the wolf leg is broken now that explain why he was not able to catch her with her tiny feet and body it was very easy for him to catch her but cause of the injury his speed slowed. feng-yan also notice claw mark on the wolf body the wound was fresh and blood was flowing out of the wound the color of the wolf start turning black. feng-yan sigh when she saw the condition of the wolf she wanted to help him but she also know that the moment she get outside of the tree that will be the last moment of her life her lips twitch lot of time she look at the sky and start complaining to the god.

"yeah you god are you having fun time seeing me like this huh you always put me in this type of situation you know what I'm tired of acting like a cute little doll why you have to do this to me what I have done to anger you I know in my past life I have done many sins but I never rob someone innocent I always rob people who rob common people and robbing from thief is not robbing huhuhuhuhu" outside the tree wolf look at the way of the tree he was shock when he heard a voice coming from the tree even if he doesn't understand human language he still know that the kid inside the tree is to small to speak.

the wolf again try to take the human cub outside the tree hole but cause of his gaint feet he was not able to reach her and even feng-yan had pressed herself to the tree that it was impossible for the wolf to reach her. feng-yan start becoming annoyed for the fact that ah is struck inside a tree that is full of ant and various insect crawling on her feet and hand. she start cursing herself for being stupid who told her to follow the voice now she is struck inside a tree not knowing if she going to survive or not as soon this thought came inside her mind she start "I'm i going to die" shaking her head not ready to accept the reality. she decide to run away she look at the wolf who is currently sleeping if she manage to move without making any noise then she can escape from here she slowly step outside the tree and start walking away. she manage to walk in few distance put she accidentally step on the dry small branch which was hiding in the long grass she cruse herself and look at her back and saw the wolf was growling looking at her she show him her not so innocent smile and start running the wolf had lost lot of blood and his leg is broken that why he was not able to catch her but he still refuse to leave her alone for him she was perfect meal since he had injured his leg and lost a lot of amount of blood. he will able to survive for some time if he catch her with her soft flesh and blood he will be able to survive for some time that why the urge of killing that human cub grow more inside him.

feng-yan was cursing at heaven while dragging her tiny feet further away from the wolf but the distance between them doesn't less with make choke on the air she almost faint away from exhaustion but she still maintain herself to run but her luck was not with her at all she fell down by striping from the stone. she trun body toward the wolf who had manage to reach her he was growling at her. she can see her death in the wolf eyes but she was not scared but she wanted to live her life fully she was full of regret of coming here she just wanted to help but the wolf just decide to chase her like a cat chasing mouse. he leap toward her she close her eyes with a thought "I'm I going to die like that" she heard a sharp sound piercing through the air. she wait foe pain that she us going to feel from the wolf teeth but the pain never came pressing her lips together she open her eyes but the seen in front of her make her surprise she open her mouth to celebrate but she soon close it when she realise that there is someone other then her. she look at the dead wolf who had gotten shot with a arrow. she look at the direction from where the arrow had cane she slowly pick her tiny body and start walking toward the direction.

she was curious about the mysteries savior of her she want to know what is that person doing here in this dark she wanted to shower him/her with thanks for saving her little life that was treasure for her.

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