
(24) Meeting Kitts Mother!

"C-c-cold!" I shouted as my voice quivered and body trembled.

"I told you Avery! Luckily you're with me, once we're in the village I'll take you to Old man Rolands shop" Kitt said.

"T-t-thanks K-Kitt."

"There goes one of my debts!" Kitt said jokingly as we walked.

As we walked, a lady with green hair similar to Kitts could be seen in the distance. The woman was stunning to say the least; she was pretty, and she had all the right curves in all the right places.

Though what she was doing didn't match the air she gave off, as she was currently holding up a middle aged man against a wall.

"HELP ME FIND MY SON!" She shouted making the middle aged man's face go pale.

As I watched the scene, I heard mumbling coming from beside me. I looked over and found Kitt trembling slightly, as he mumbled inaudible words under his breath.

"Kitt!" I shouted grabbing the attention of the trembling boy beside me.

The shout was loud, so it also caught the attention of the green haired woman and the middle aged man; whom she was holding against the wall.

The middle aged mans eyes beamed with joy and happiness once he saw Kitt, and he shouted.

"T-t-there goes your troublemaking son, A-Amelia! N-now m-may you please l-let me go?" The middle aged man pleaded.

Troublemaking son? Was there something Kitt was leaving out before? I pushed these thoughts aside for now and looked at Kitts mom.

"Tsk, your lucky you're the chief Rob. Kitt! My son, your finally back! Do you know how worried I was when you suddenly upped and left?!"

Kitt merely looked her up and down and looked my way.

"That's definitely not my mom, she never acts like that. She must've been possessed." Kitt shook his head as he said this, surprising all of us.

"Kitt! What do you mean? You're being very cruel." She suddenly started walking towards us.

[Host Kitt is correct, this person is in fact not his mother]

Really? Who is she than? The only person who'd be able to pull of changing into the appearance of someone else is Mr. 2 from Baroque Works.

[Host is semi-correct, though not fully correct. It is indeed a user of the Mane Mane No Mi (Clone Clone Fruit)]

Wait so it's a user of the Mane Mane fruit but it's not Mr. 2? I'm confused.

Well that doesn't matter now I guess, as all will be dealt with after a little beatdown that is.

A moment later the person suddenly spoke.

"I guess my cover has been blown, Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo!"

The person suddenly transformed into an old woman with wild water green hair, and a cleft chin.

She had some missing teeth and the teeth she did have were all pitch black, she had a light kimono on and black pants on. There were two lit candles fastened to her forehead with a headband.

"God damn, your horrifying! You scared the life out of me!" I shouted out, my heart dropped when I saw her she was something you'd see out of a horror movie.

I recognized this insanely original appearance, she was Kurozumi Higurashi. Just by the name you could tell she was from the land of Wano, wait but didn't she die I'm pretty sure Kaido killed her.

"Ghost? You should have died a long time ago." I thought about it for a moment and came to a conclusion, somehow in some way she must've faked her death.

Though she must've ended up dying eventually anyway, as Mr. 2 eats the fruit in the future. It sounds reasonable enough, as it's still ten years before the main storyline starts.

"You know about me boy? Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo!"

Ugh, her laugh is very annoying. Lets get this over with. I unsheathed Ace, and walked towards her slowly; I received weird stares from Kitt but I didn't care.

I imbued Ace with Armament haki, and slashed out when I was close enough to her.

"Any last words?" I asked jokingly.

"Hmm, tell that boy Orochi I'll meet him in hell! Ni kyo kyo kyo kyo!" After saying this she bit her tongue, killing herself.

"Now that's one sad way to go." I wonder why she transformed into Kitts mom though, what was the purpose?

Some things are better left not known, but I'm pretty sure Kitt would like to know where his actual mom is.

Kitt walked up to me and said.

"D-Do you think she killed my mom?" Kitt, asked sadness oozing out of his once energetic voice.

"No, her strength wasn't at the level in which she could kill a Rear Admiral. Even if your moms strength decreased after pregnancy, her strength couldn't have gone down a lot."

I reassured him, Kurozumi Higurashi would've had to make physical contact with his mom to be able to transform into her.

"Trust me Kitt, your mom is alive; she's out there somewhere. Wherever she is I can guarantee she's missing you." After I said this a system notification went off inside my head.

[QUEST TRIGGERED: Help Kitt find his mom! Rewards: New Title, 200,000 Berries]

How the hell! I mean how am I supposed to find her?! Can you at least give a rough location!

[Paradise Islands! Anything more and you'd find her immediately!]

Okay, I can work with that! It says help Kitt right so I'd have to recruit him into the crew.

"Thanks Avery." Kitts condition got a little bit better after hearing me say that.

"Kitt since you want to find your mom, how about joining my crew?"

"After all you've done for me, do I even have the right to say no? I've been wanting to leave this island for a while now anyway, finding my mom gives me even more reasons to."

"Welcome to the crew!" Aoki said as she jumped on Kitts back. Did they become this close in that short amount of time?

"Ow, ow, ow! You're heavy!" Kitt shouted in pain.

"No! You're just weak!" Aoki shouted back, Kitt got Aoki off of him and transformed into his pelican form.

"Aha! Now you can't jump on my back!" Kitt shouted as he flew back to the ship, making us laugh.

"Alright back to the ship, next stop Swallow Island!"

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