
(19) Foosha Village! Meeting Garp!

<p>"Luffy!!" Curly Dadan yelled as she ran down the mountain. <br/><br/>She came down the mountain like a raging bull as her orange, curly hair fluttered in the air. <br/><br/>"Hehehe! Crappy Shack all your meats gone!" Luffy said as he showed her the bone, that was once filled with brown meat. <br/><br/>"Damnit! You're really lucky you're Garps grandson! Otherwise I would've-" Curly Dadan was interrupted by the voice of an aged man.<br/><br/>"You would've did what to my grandson?!" Curly Dadan's eyes that were once filled with rage, were now filled with fear as her and the short man turned around slowly. <br/><br/>"G-G-Garp-san!" Dadan and the short man shouted out. <br/><br/>"I-I would've given him even more meat! I-Isn't that r-right Dogra?" Dadan said as she looked at the short man who's name was Dogra. <br/><br/>"Y-yeah, we would've given all of our meat to that little shi- Luffy-san!" Dogra said nervously. <br/><br/>"Hehehe!" Luffy simply laughed as he pulled out another bone filled with meat. <br/><br/>"My grandson has quite the appetite! Hahaha!" <br/><br/>Luffy chomped down on the meat, and pointed towards me as he looked at his grandpa. <br/><br/>"Oji-san! This guys a pirate! He has a thirty million berry bounty! He doesn't believe me when I tell him I'll become the King of the Pirates! He's just like Shanks!" Luffy shouted. <br/><br/>"He's right about that last part! You won't be becoming a pirate, you'll become a marine! Just like this old man! Hahaha!" <br/><br/>"Marine?! Your crazy if you think I'll be one of those! I don't want to be the World-Governments little servant!" Luffy shouted. <br/><br/>"Your going to be a Marine boy!" <br/><br/>"Over my dead body!" Luffy said as he stuck his tongue out. <br/><br/>Garp moved his gaze from Luffy over to me. Luffy noticed this and said. <br/><br/>"You can't take him to jail! He's my friend old man!" <br/><br/>"Luffy! You know that's not how it works! Especially since he's a pirate with a thirty million berry bounty, if he was a no name I could've overlooked it." Garp slowly walked towards me, and rolled up the sleeves of the white collared shirt he was wearing <br/><br/>Avery and Kuina got into a fighting stance but I stopped them, I knew that'd they'd provide little to no help fighting this monster, who's strength damn near rivaled Kaido's. <br/><br/>I took out Ace and coated it with armament haki and conquerors haki. <br/><br/>When Garp saw me unsheathe Ace he was instantly surprised, but when he saw me imbue it with both armament haki and conquerors haki, his face turned from one of surprise to utter shock. <br/><br/>"Boy, why do you have HIS sword?" Garps voice was neither threatening or calm it was in between, though I still felt a strong pressure; a pressure only felt from someone with real power!<br/><br/>"This sword? It was a gift; a gift from a really great man." I lied right through my teeth, what was I supposed to say though? I got it from the system [Lottery] function. Who'd believe that?! <br/><br/>"You got it from him huh, a good man he was indeed. One of my biggest regrets in life was not being on the same side as him." <br/><br/>"Hmm, Oji who are you talking about?" Luffy asked. <br/><br/>"Hmph, the very man who achieved your biggest dream." <br/><br/>" Roger?! You met him!" Luffy asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. <br/><br/>"Met? More like fought and fought along side, he and I fought a bunch, and over time we both gained a mutual respect for each other! Hahaha, those were the good old days!" Garp looked at me and spoke. <br/><br/>"That power you have, it's very rare and special in this world. I'm not sure if you truly understand, but in some way you have the qualities of a king. Not a normal king but a king of kings; a Supreme King." Garp said, which surprised everyone there except for me of course. <br/><br/>"Woah! You have the qualities of a Supreme King! You're really cool!" Luffy said. <br/><br/>Tch, if I'm cool than you're amazing! I only have the qualities of a Supreme King, while you have the qualities of an Emperor! I wonder if I can evolve my Haoshoku Haki to the same level as Luffy's. <br/><br/>[It is indeed possible host, though the system needs to be upgraded a couple of times for you to do so] <br/><br/>The system can be updated? That's new, system didn't I tell you to tell me about any hidden functions?<br/><br/>[You did Host] <br/><br/>Then why- nevermind I don't care anymore, just please make sure to tell me next time. <br/><br/>[Affirmative]<br/><br/>"Wait, wait, wait. Garp! He's a pirate! Do your job and arrest him!" Woop Slap shouted. <br/><br/>"Shut up Woopy! Oji won't arrest my new Supreme King friend!" Luffy yelled.<br/><br/>"I thought we were your guests." Kuina said. <br/><br/>"You were my guests before I fount out you were all pirates!" Woop Slap said. <br/><br/>"Relax, everything is fine since he's a friend of him you can trust him and his crew trust my word." Garp said. <br/><br/>"Hmph, fine I'll trust them." <br/><br/>"Thanks Woopy!" Luffy shouted as he jumped around in joy. <br/><br/>"I told you not to call me that Luffy!" Woop Slap shouted as he chased Lufffy. <br/><br/>"Oops, umm sorry Wooopyy!" Luffy said as he ran away.<br/><br/>"Hahaha!" Garp laughed as he watched his grandson get chased around. His gaze turned back to me after a couple seconds though. <br/><br/>"So how'd you end up here boy?" <br/><br/>"My names Avery, and umm; we were chased by marines and ended up here." <br/><br/>"…"<br/><br/>"…" <br/><br/>The silence was really loud it made me get a bit nervous. <br/><br/>"HAHAHA! You act just like him too! Hah, are you sure you and Roger are not actually related? Hahaha!" Garp laughed hysterically leaving all of us surprised. <br/><br/><br/><br/></p>

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