
Chapter 43: Closing the Curtain. [2]

The audience was shocked to see the myth break, to see Heathcliff's health bar not only in yellow but also in red. Kirito who saw this mumbled, "he was always fighting with his life on the line like the rest of us, it was his strength that made his legend like Frost, while Frost was like the sharpest blade, Heathcliff was like the strongest shield. Why? Why would someone do something like this?"

Asuna, Agil, and Klein who were near him heard his words along with a lot of others who were near him at the moment had heard him, they were thinking along the same lines while they watched Heathcliff cover for Frost with a smile and Frost did the same for him when he was using a healing crystal.

Klein on the other hand remembered the words Dragon had spoken and mumbled them without thinking, "why should he get us out, that defeats the whole purpose of the game. This is a game where we put our lives on the line to fight, grow stronger, and forge bonds that will last us a lifetime, this is what an RPG should be, the fantasy, the dream of raiding a castle floating in the air. And you fool want to take the easy way? I guess I now understand what Dragon meant when he said those words."

"I now understand why Heathcliff called them his friends, it was the bond they made fighting shoulder to shoulder for two years in dungeons, raids, and fields. I guess they were the only ones who understood Heathcliff, no Kayaba, it hardly surprises me anymore to see that they are the strongest ones in this game." Klein spoke with a nostalgic smile.

"What's so good about them, a psychopath who killed thousands for this stupid game and two maniacs who don't value their lives. I still remember them killing the members of PK guilds like they were nothing, they are monsters, as much as that man Kayaba Akihiko." shouted a man from the crowd.

"Yes, they killed the PK guild members like many of us have when we raided them. But, who among us here can claim that those three were not the hope we had to clear this game? Which among you can claim that your lives were not saved by them, that they did not help you out when you needed it."

"The Black-bellied bastards had the heart enough to do something about the PK guilds before we had felt the need to. You bastard can be all self-righteous, but can you answer to the dead players at the middle levels who were preyed on by the PK guilds? So many lives lost and the number would have doubled by now if they had not done what they did."

"You bastards can pretend all you want, act like those virtuous saints, but don't you dare slander those who dared to get their hands dirty to do what was right, you claim that you would have made better choices if you were in those circumstances and point your blaming fingers at others. But in truth, you spineless bastards don't even dare to act, all you can do is mob together with other spineless bastards and dumb flocks of sheep and criticize others."

"Kirito had the guts to go up and face Heathcliff when he knew that all the system combos and moves were made by the man himself while he placed his life on the line to save your asses, the first promise he asked from Dragon and frost was to clear the game and save you all. Tell me, do you deserve his sacrifice? Do you deserve Frost fighting there with his life on the line while you bastards insult him, for what he had done to make things right?"

"Answer me, you bastards! Two nineteen-year-old boys, who had the dream to start a cafe together, they were the same as you and me, from the start, they were not even in the beta test, we bought the Nerve Gear together. Do you still think you are the better one?" Klein roared, all those bottled-up emotions burst forth as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Meanwhile, the Boss was on his last bit of health. Heathcliff called Frost and readied his shield, Frost dashed in and stepped on Heathcliff's shield to get a boost while Heathcliff pushed him up. Frost brandished his blade and roared as he threw his naginata like a spear.

The Boss who was about to get a drop of life again was impaled by the naginata on its temple, the life drop was canceled and the monster screeched and fell limp on the floor as its health bar emptied.

The audience cheered and the notification was broadcasted,

"Congratulations to the Players, as of 2:55 PM, November 7th, the game has been cleared."

"The Game has been Cleared!"

"The Game has been Cleared!"

[The game was cleared and the Players will be able to Log Out as of now and will be forced to Log Out in 6 minutes.]


On a beautiful plane viewing the sunset, Kayaba stood there with Frost.

"I guess, now it's time for the real fight to start, you sure you still want to get digitalized?" Frost asked.

"I am certain of that." replied the smiling Kayaba.

"But, if things don't go as planned and I die without getting digitalized, I want you two to keep my dream alive. This is called the 'SEED', take care of it for me." he smiled.

"Nah, you do that yourself, besides, you still owe us a nice meal at an expensive restaurant for waiving the outstanding amount of money that you owed us." Frost chuckled and the two laughed.

"See out outside, my friend..."

"See you outside..."

The floating Castle of Aincrad was falling apart as they spoke and the two vanished from where they stood.


Aster opened his eyes to find himself in the familiar basement of his newly bought house. He stood up and took off the monitoring nodes and removed the Nerve Gear from his head. There was not a single blemish on his face, nor did the two years passing leave a single mark on him.

He took out his phone and dialed Koro Sensei...

"How is the digitalization going?" he asked.

"It's working just fine and I think the process is in its final stages before we succeed. I asked Rinko-san to leave from here to make sure she does not get into trouble with the police department. Then again, she is a really good person, just like her anime counterpart." came the reply.

"Alright, let me see how things are holding up before we start on with the next steps." Aster hanged up and walked out of the room.

Stepping out of the room, he was greeted by the beautiful maid, Roberta who was setting up a flower vase by the window.

"Good morning master, are you feeling alright?" she asked.

"I am doing brilliant, could you please get me something to eat while I check with the Chat Group?" Aster smiled.

"Sure Master" she bowed and left.

Aster: "Hello guys!"

Madoka: "Why did you take so long?"

Aster: "We were playing by the rules and the Chat did not let us use our powers in the game, but it was really fun. I will bring you along the next time, I am sure you will love it."

Amelia: "Are you doing alright? Sleeping for two years, physically at least."

Aster: "Well, my physique is a bit different from you guys, so I can say that I am alright."

Kazuma: "Did you meet Asuna?"

Aster: "We did, we even made friends with Kayaba, Kirito, and Klein."

Ruri: "Well, it's been eight months... So, what do you plan to do next?"

Aster: "We will have to continue the quest, and help out in ALO and win the GGO. I think I will be back by the next Christmas, just in time for the Yule Ball and to watch Amelia kick Voldie's butt."

Fury: "What are you guys planning to do meanwhile?"

Aster: "The plan is to make a base camp in this world. It will be our version of Holiday Home."

Tatsuya: "Can you guys come at the Nine Schools Tournament?"

Aster: "No, I think not, but we will surely make it there before the terrorist attack."

Korogane: "Guys, I digitalized a person."

Aster: "Congratulations!"

Korogane: "There is an issue, I have linked him up with my Smartphone, but I can't transfer him to Aster or anyone else. He can simply be inside anything that has an internet connection and control it but his base can't be changed."

Aster: "You mean, he is inside your phone instead of a server farm?"

Korogane: "Yes."

Aster: "Oh well, come back and have lunch. Let's plan things after that."

Madoka: "Finish this fast, I am getting bored in here. these insects can't even serve as a warm-up, too boring..."

Fury: "Don't you dare get that digital person anywhere near my world, it's already troublesome as it is. I don't need a person that is everywhere and is capable of being in any electronic device, hooked to the internet."

Aster "Don't worry you have your own, I can't be bothered to bother you with another."

Fury: "What do you know?"

Aster: "Nothing less than everything."

Second chappie and the next will start with kicking Sugou and ALO.

Get me those POWER STONES, why?


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