
1812 Overture


In an instant, Galen pulled the trigger. This one action of pulling a trigger changed everything. With the flexing of his finger, the entire landscape became unrecognizable.

As the first explosion sounded, I found myself thrown off my feet and into the air. While in the air, my body span and I got a view of what was behind me.

Horrific would be an understatement. There was no fire, no flames, no smoke. The concrete streets and the buildings of metal and stone were turned to dust. Vehicles which were parked haphazardly were crushed as if they were but a mere empty can of soda.

Then I realized. Where were the enemy troopers? I knew for a fact that there were several behind me with most having not made it out of the alley yet.

My eyes widened with shock as I took a closer look at the debris. There were chunks of armor plating and clothing floating through the air that was tinted a slight red. A mist hung in the aftermath and it was most certainly not water.


I hit the ground hard and felt my arm move in a way it wasn't supposed to. The pain only amplified as I rolled across the ground, barely coming to a stop as I passed by Galen's feet.

*Chick* *Click*

Glancing up, I watched Galen pump the weapon he was holding. A silver shell that was obnoxiously large popped out of the chamber as the weapon was primed for another shot.

*Clang* *Clinkkkk*

The shell bounced a few times as it hit the ground before coming to rest. With its large size, it felt as if it was staring back at me with a threatening gaze. Even as an empty shell of its former self, it was quite impressive due to the payload it once held.

Galen looked down at me as I shifted on the ground. "I suggest that you get behind me, Soryn."

I nodded as I crawled across the ground. I couldn't use one of my arms so I was quite slow. When I had barely gotten behind Galen, he fired another shot.


Another chunk of this once magnificent city was ground to dust. Each and every living being caught within the blast turned to a fine mist and chunks of clothing.

As I slowly struggled to my feet, I grunted. "UGHH, THAT FUCKIN HURTS!"

*Chick* *Click* *Clang* *Clankkkk*

Galen glanced over his shoulder at me for but a moment before turning back towards the street in front of us. "Do you need help?"

I shook my head while clenching my teeth together. "I'll be fine. Just a dislocated shoulder."

Galen scoffed. "That doesn't sound like an 'I'll be fine' kind of injury."

Using the injured hand, I grabbed onto a bench that was just a few feet away. The bench was bolted into the ground so it wouldn't move.

With my right hand, I firmly grasped my elbow and ensured my injured left arm was straight. I then realized something. I grabbed a thin piece of plastic piping from one of my pockets and bit down on it. This was going to be extremely painful.

I took fast deep breaths, my entire chest heaving as I did so. "One, two, three."

On three, I pulled my entire body away from the bench while retaining my grip on it. I felt the most unholy of sensations as my humerus (upper arm bone) slid across my scapula (the lower shoulder bone) and back into place.

I instantly released my grip on the bench and let the plastic fall from my mouth. "FUCK!"

Without waiting any longer, I took out a bacta syringe from one of my chest pockets and jammed it into my shoulder.


My eyes nearly rolled back into my head as I felt my body go slightly limp. I was barely able to retain my balance through the extreme pleasure of that excruciating pain disappearing.

I heard Galen chuckle. "Is that your nut face?"

Rolling my eyes even more than I was already doing, I scoffed. "Shut up."

With my mind now a bit clearer due to being in a somewhat safe position, I crouched behind the statue that Gaen had just emerged from. Then I pulled out the enemy communicator and plugged it into my wrist computer.

After some static, I heard exactly what I wanted to hear. "ALL UNITS REDIRECT TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF THE PALACE!"

Our distraction was working. I then opened our comm channel. "Exfil squad, status."

After a few seconds, a haggard voice responded. She sounded out of breath. "Package has been secured. We're about two klicks out from the FOB."

I nodded, wearing a slight smile. This was going quite well. "Demo squad, status."

It took barely a second for Santos to respond. "Two blasts successful, three more on the way."


The ground shook slightly as I watched a massive cloud of smoke go up in the distance. I chuckled as I admired the size of the blast. They must have found a good spot to attach explosives to.

Santos came back through. "Make that two more on the way, sir."

I laughed. "Good! Good! Exfil squad, make your way out of the city. I'll have a welcome party waiting for you."

Satele quickly replied. "Sounds good."

I then changed my comm channel to contact Jace. "Captain Malcom, come in."

After a few seconds, he replied. "Commander?"

I replied quickly. "Yes, it's me. I need you to track Satele's position and meet her with backup. We don't know if she'll be followed."

Jace replied inquisitively. "Soryn, what happened?"

I sighed and quickly recounted how we rescued the royals and that Satele and three travelers were escorting them out of Aldera.

Jace's sigh of relief came over the comm channel clearly. "Thank the force. We can get them off-world immediately. The Imperial blockade has been routed so I'll have a transport pick them up."

I laughed. "Perfect! Contact Satele and inform her please. I have things to attend to."

Jace replied. "Very well. Best of luck with your escape."

I smiled and changed back to the local channel. "Demo squad, time those charges and then get out ASAP. We're leaving the city."

After closing the comm channel, I turned to Galen. "It's time to go."

Galen nodded as he bent down and slung the bag over his shoulder. He was still holding the weapon in his hand and I'd ask him about it later. "Let's move."

I stood up and started walking at a brisk pace before it transitioned to a run. "This area is about to be swarming with imperials so let's be quick."

Galen kept up with my pace as we disappeared into the labyrinth of Aldera's backstreet alleyways.

Barely a half an hour later, I received a notification that told me all went well. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

[Quest Complete]

[Saving the Royal Family - III]

[+20k exp, +10k credits, +200 reputation with Alderaan, +40 reputation with Old Republic, Epic Holocron]

[Quest Received]

[Saving the Royal Family - IV]

[Escape Aldera without dying.]

[+50k exp]

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