
The Rowdy Bunch

(Still not going to be consistent until Tuesday. I should be able to get one out tomorrow though. Enjoy!)


The CSF speeder that Galen and I were riding in slowed down to a stop. To our left was Corsoll's pub.


As Galen and I were about to disembark from the speeder, a bottle was thrown through a window, shattering it. The bottle bounced a few times before shattering on the ground.

The CSF officer looked towards the window, shook his head, and then just looked to his front. "I'm just going to pretend I did not see that."

I laughed nervously. I'd feel horrible if I got Corsoll's restaurant swatted. "Thanks again for the ride."

The officer nodded. "Not a problem. Happy to help someone who took some drugs off the street. My son is actually in rehab right now."

My heart fluttered in sympathy for the man. These crime syndicates really do a number on the innocent communities they operate in. "I'd do it again, no doubt about it."

The officer smiled, offering his hand. "Safe travels, Soryn. You as well Galen."

I returned the handshake and then hopped out of the speeder. We had a fetch quest to finish.

With the two crates of liquor now in Galen and my hands, we entered the pub. I had to push the door open with my back since my hands were full.

What met me when the door opened was yelling. A lot of yelling. It was insanely loud, but only one table was occupied. Despite it being several tables put together, they were still the only group in the restaurant.

An obviously drunk man yelled across the room, slurring his words. "Ey Cors, you gotta get some music in this bitch. It's too quiet!"

I rolled my eyes, but still looked in the direction the drunk man was yelling. As expected, Corsoll was there. He was currently using a rag to wipe a glass and looked exhausted.

Walking over to the bar, I turned so I could see Corsoll. Galen was right behind me. "Corsoll, you want these in the back?"

Corsoll looked up from the glass and instantly his expression transformed as if he was injected with more energy. "Oh! You're back! I'll take one of the crates here and the other one can go in the back."

[Quest Completed]

[Urgent Delivery]


[Corsoll has had an unexpected amount of customers at his restaurant. He needs you to retrieve a crate of liquor from the warehouse on the corner of 14th and 70th.]

[+200 exp, +100 credits, +200 reputation with Corsoll, +5 reputation with Old Republic]

[Your reputation level with Corsoll has reached Honored]

I nodded, turning to walk towards the store room. Galen would leave his crate behind the bar. When I returned from dropping off the crate, I was somewhat shocked.

Somehow, within the 20 seconds I was gone, two of the men in the party that was sitting at the extended table were fighting on the floor.


The two men were in an all out brawl, punching each other as if one of them had fucked the other one's sister. I had to admit, however, that it was entertaining to watch two men, who were both absolutely plastered, brawl on the floor.

I walked over to the bar, flashing my blaster at Corsoll. "Need me to handle that?"

Corsoll shrugged. "It's fine. Seila already said she'd cover any damages and she always tips generously. They are regulars."

I raised my brow, intrigued by this. "Are they always this rowdy?"

Corsoll shook his head. "They just finished a huge job. Before now, they've only been like this once. I ended up making three times what I spent on repairs."

I could only widen my eyes in shock. These guys were big spenders. "What do they do?"

Corsoll stopped wiping the glass for a moment. "They are bounty hunters. I'd honestly say they are some of the nicer ones. I've had to kick several other bounty hunters out for threatening other customers. These guys are considerate and just rent the whole place out."

I nodded, understanding now. "Gotcha. Well, I guess it's good to have this kind of connection. I doubt anyone dares to cause trouble here."

Corsoll nodded, chuckling. He turned and pointed behind the bar. "You are definitely correct. I tolerate their rowdiness, and they back me up."

I followed his arm with my gaze, finding a large insignia behind the bar. It was centered on a shelf that was half stocked with liquor bottles. The insignia was circular and made of a silvery gray metal, probably something similar to steel. In the center of it was a bird of prey holding a blaster. Lastly, around the rim of the circular insignia was the latin word "perfectum", which translates to perfection. It was engraved three times and was in galactic standard.

I smiled, appreciating how nice this was. Corsoll was a harmless pub owner and these bounty hunters happened to like his establishment. It is mutually beneficial. "You're a lucky man, Corsoll. I had a question for you actually."

Corsoll turned to me, placing the glass and rag down. "Ask away, Soryn."

I smiled. "I was wondering if you knew where I could buy a ship."

Corsoll's head tilted for a moment, before he nodded. "Ah, I see. Galen was boasting about how you guys came into a bunch of credits. I trust you're holding onto them, right?"

I chuckled, nodding in response. "For now, yes, but it might be a good idea for me to hold onto our funds."

Corsoll nodded, laughing as well. "Back to your question, Seila should have some answers for you. Based on the story Galen told me, I bet she'd be happy to make some new friends." He then pointed towards the rowdy bunch. "Oh, would you look at that? It looks like the idiot in question is already a step ahead of you."

I looked over and saw Galen holding a drink while all of the bounty hunters were quietly listening to him. He was recounting the story of us taking down the Pykes in the warehouse. He was almost at the end so I decided to join the group.


I looked to my left, seeing the source of the noise. Corsoll had slid a pint of ale towards me. Seeing it, I reached for my pocket.

He shook his head. "On the house. Get over there."

I smiled, truly appreciating the gesture, before picking up the beer and walking over to the table. Galen had just reached the point in the story where we opened fire on the Pykes and thugs. I cut him off. "Gal, pretty sure you were out cold by then."

Galen looked towards me, glaring as the bounty hunters all laughed heartily. He was clearly upset that I had stolen his thunder.

I shrugged. "Hey, at least you took two down with you!"

All of the bounty hunters cheered, raising their glasses of liquor and beer, clinking them together, and then taking large swigs. One of the men spoke up. "So what happened next?"

I laughed. "I took out one more Pyke. Well… he was more half of a Pyke at that point." The group chuckled as a few of them took another drink. "After that, I went real sneaky like, hiding behind some shipping containers. I ended up right behind the bastard. I wasted his ass but he left me with a parting gift."

Lifting my shirt, I revealed the blaster bolt wound. It looked like a really bad burn. "Fortunately, someone showed up and gave us some first aid. I almost died."

The only woman in the group shrugged. "All's well that ends well. That's what I say about our jobs at least."

I laughed. "You couldn't be more right. Seila, right?"

She nodded. "That's my name. You need something?"

I nodded, surprising her a bit. "Not a job, I was just wondering if you knew where my friend and I could buy a ship."

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