
Injured Woman

[More than two decades ago, Eves Mansion]

Snow crunched beneath Aaron's heavy footsteps. He ran through the white clearing, pure and untouched, a neverending slate of winter wonderland. His mother's warnings rang in the back of his head.

Don't go too far out. You never know the monsters lurking behind the trees. 

Despite her harsh words, Aaron continued with his woven basket. He was eager to find his mother's favorite mushrooms, grown only during the coldest days. Not watching his footsteps, Aaron planted face-first into the frost. 

"F*ck," Aaron groaned, tasting nothing, but iciness in his mouth. His knees burned from the impact, the basket flying from his grip. Even more so, Aaron couldn't believe what he saw behind him—a mound of snow, gathered much higher than the layer caking the forest floor. 

Aaron squinted. Was that… hair? 

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