
Ch.58 Shopping

I didn't want to step out of the booth I felt safe inside, Daphne and Tori both looked at me like they wanted to roast me alive. While Lizz was just way too happy, she does realise that it was all just a joke though right? 

Ed leaned closer to my ears and said, "We should get out…"

I looked at him and shook my head slightly and said, "Can't…"

He chuckled and stood up straight and said, "Didn't you want to buy some stuff?" 

I looked at him with raised eyebrows, this wasn't the time for that and then it clicked in my head "Yes!" Everyone looked at me. We stepped outside of the booth and the girls closed in on me and I proclaimed "We are done for today. And I'm going with Ed… to buy stuff."

They looked at me with frustration and Florian asked, "You sure? I could take you… after dropping them off."

I just nervously laughed and said, "That wont be necessary." Ed patted on my shoulder and we walked past the girls and I could physically feel their anger.

James stepped in front of me and folded his arms and looked at me and I just looked at him and cleared my throat and said, "Mr. Potter, what a… surprise to see you here?"

He just chuckled and said, "No need to be so… nervous Jon, I just came to take Tori home." He then looked past my shoulders and said, "Come, we're going."

Tori walked past me but not before elbowing me hardly and Jon just chuckled and said, "You did great in there and you don't have to worry about it. Florian has asked me to keep it quiet so that's what I'll do." He then rubbed the shoulders of Tori and said, "Let's go." 

She left but not before giving me the sink eye. Not wasting time to get ganged up again. Ed and I walked out of there.


I was sitting in Ed's car it was a baby blue Volkswagen bus. We were driving to the a sporting goods store and Ed had a goofy smile on his face. It was annoying and I said, "Can you please stop?"

He chuckled and said, "I ain't doing nothing, mate… it was all you." He looked at me and said, "And you were right… Chaos does feel good."

I sighed and he asked, "Hey, between us… who was that meant for?"

I looked at him and said, "No one in particular…"

He looked ahead and said, "Come on bruv, I wont tell anyone."

I raised my arms and said, "It really wasn't for anyone in particular, I just had a thought about it and the lyrics just came to me."

He nodded and said, "Okay, keep your secrets… it's just I thought we were friends."

I looked at Ed with a deadpan expression and he just laughed and said, "But man, it was so good to see you like that."


We were in a sporting goods store and I was looking for a pull up bar and some weights and he was walking behind me and asked, "Why are we here again?"

I saw some bats and was checking them out and said, "I want to buy some equipment for exercise. My running shorts and t-shirt are getting tighter and shorter."

He looked at me and said, "You might be the first rock star to abuse steroids rather than coke." People looked at us

I looked at him and said, "I don't think it's a good idea to say stuff like that out loud."

he shrugged his shoulders and picked up a bat and swinged it a little and said, "But still, why're you so interested in it…" He looked at me and asked, "You want to be a Auror or something?"

I snorted at his suggestion "Hell no… the job is shit." I finally found the pull up bar, now I started looking for weights. 

He said, "I saw the dumbbells in that corner." He pointed at the direction and we walked there and he asked, "So if not for a job, then is it because of quidditch? Because that is a wild sport, bruv… my friend got brain damage from it, when he played in school. Although he wasn't the brightest bulb."

I shook my head and said, "I like quidditch but for betting and all, I have no interest in getting a concussion and getting brain damage." We found the dumbbells and I started putting the weights in/

He squared and started helping me and he asked, "So if not for sports, not for a future prospect, then what's it all for?" He looked at me and asked, "Cause most kids your age are like little cunts, bitchy and whiny. They care more about playing and girls. Although the last part don't apply to you, still it's kinda odd." 

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I'm an odd person… And besides I exercise because I want to be ready for anything… and it helps me feel and look good so it's a win-win."

He smiled and nodded and stood up and we started to look for some exercising clothes and shoes for me. After buying all the things I needed, we got in the bus and a rumbling sound came from my belly and Ed said, "Hungy?"

I nodded and asked, "Anything around here?"

He hummed and said, "There is a McD if you want to eat." I nodded and he took the bus there. We pulled up to the drive through and he asked, "What you want? A happy meal?"

I hummed and said, "A quarter pounder, Large fries and a milkshake." He looked at me and said, "You must be quite hungry." He started to order and I quickly said, "No picked on mine."

After getting our order we pulled to the parking lot to eat. The quarter pounder looked so good I just couldn't wait to dig into it. I took a bite and it was amazing. Ed looked at me eating and chuckled. 

I scrunched my eyebrows and said, "Nothing, you look more like a kid now…"

I ignored that comment went back to my burger. He took a bit and asked, "Hey, back there when you said, "You want to be prepared for anything. What did you mean?""

I looked at him and took a sip of my milkshake and said, "That's exactly what I mean… I want to be ready anytime and anywhere. Even though the wizarding world seems like a good place with good people. There are some messed up people in it too. And the worst thing is they all a weapon with them all the time."

He looked at me and said, "But there are Aurors, the laws… Wizengamot."

I chuckled and said, "Yeah, but the laws can be broke, Aurors are dispatched after something has happened and the Wizengamot is just for politics. If you want to be safe, you need to know how to protect yourself from others and I can't do that if I am lazy."

He looked at me concerned and said, "That is a very sad outlook, little brother… not everyone is out to get you."

I scoffed and said, "I know that… but there are people out there who want to hurt me and the people close to me… and I can't let it happen, I won't let it happen."

He sighed and said, "What you say is true and the intention to protect your loved ones is honourable." He then turned to me and said, "But you should remember, that you are not alone, the ones you protect will be the ones who would protect you… at least I will."

I looked at him and I didn't know what to say I'm not that used to people saying these kinds of things to me. He just chuckled and said, "Now, eat… I still have to drop you home." I just nodded and ate.


Ed dropped me in front of Greengrass manor and I called out to Frody. He appeared infront of me and I said, "Take me to my room." He nodded and snapped his fingers and in an instant I was standing in my room. I put my bag down and took out the pull up bar from the bottomless bag and started to affix it to the bathroom door.

It was rather simple to do so. I decided to test it out and I tried to to a pull up and it was a little hard. I let go of the bar and it was securely fixed now. I took the dumbbells out of the bag and placed them on a corner upon a rubber mat so that it doesn't ruin the wood. After doing all that I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and I looked at the bar and decided to do a set.

I jumped and grabbed the bar and started to do some pull ups and it wasn't that hard to do but it was a new type of moment that I wasn't all to familiar with. I was in between a set when the door flung open showing Daphne, she looked very angry. But then she looked at me what I was doing and She asked, "Why are you hanging like a money on a branch?"

I scoffed and said, "This is a new exercise that I'm doing, it's good for my biceps, forearms, my lat's and my back." I was just happy that she didn't talk about the song.

She smiled coldly and folded her arms, "Do it then." 

I looked at her and she looked determined for some reason and I did it, I was going to do it any way so why not. I did about 12 pull ups and I let go of the bar and she asked, "That's it?"

I looked at her and said, "No that my set… and I would like to see you do one, lanky arms."

She got angry and said, "Don't call me lanky arms."

I nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I understand… I mean I got tired after 12 even though I exercise regularly. It's not a surprise that lanky arms can't do it.~"

She growled and I realised that it was them in the studio and She walked to the bar and tried to reach it but couldn't. I laughed but she continued to try, so I decided to help her. I grabbed her from her thighs, she yelped and I said, "Grab the bar… you are surprisingly heavier than you look."

She tired to kick me but couldn't, she grabbed hold of the bar and I said, "Now try to pull yourself up." She tried really hard, she was grunting and everything but couldn't so I had to help her a little to do it and when she did she looked happy and said, "I did it!"

I looked at her which I shouldn't have and I said, "One more, lanky."

She let go of the bar and hit me in the head. I looked at her and she had a nervous smile and said, "Sorry." I smiled in her reply and I ran towards the bed and threw her on it and I said, "Sorry."

She sat on the bed and threw the pillow and said, "Jerk!"

I caught it easily and said, "Lanky." I ran towards her with the pillow to smother her and she yelped and closed her eyes. I stopped before her and she opened her eyes, only to see me with the pillow and I smiled and hit her in the head.

She looked at me and whined and said, "Not fair…" 

I looked at her and chuckled and said, "Don't cry about it Lanky."

She grabbed the pillow and pulled it from my hands and I fell in the bed, she took the pillow and hit me over my head and said, "Now, we're even." 

I looked at her and said, "No, we're not." 

We fought over the pillow a little while but soon both of us were out of energy and just laid on the bed. I was getting bored so I pulled out my discman and started to play some music. I was playing some AC/DC. She was laying by my side and finally asked, "Today, when you sang that song…"

I looked at her and said, "Which one?"

She looked at me and said, "Until I found you… why did you sing it with her?"

I looked at her and was a bit surprised I was sure that she would've talked about Rude! But not this one. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know, it was the easiest to do a duet on that's why… I guess."

She looked at me and asked, "So just for practical reasons?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, why else would I? And besides, we asked Lizz to work with us. So I just decided to do any song that she wanted."

She hummed and nodded and meekly said, "That's better I guess."

I looked at her and she said, "Nothing… Do you have anything to do I'm getting bored."

I took out some magazines that I had in my bag and gave it to her and she started reading while I decided to rest my eyes a bit. I was really tiered. Slowly I started drifting into sleep and I was just out.


Hey, guys I hope you liked the chapter. If you did let me know in the comments. And let me know if the part with Daphne felt good or odd. Thanks. 

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