
Chapter 23 the kitsune

The Queen of this fox demon kingdom patiently waited with her four other daughters for her youngest children to get back from her little adventure hunting down some rogue kitsune who attacked one of the villages that's under their protection.

" where the hell are the twins" Lia said who was the eldest of them all while she filed her nails, glancing back and forth at the door.

The door opened but it is the captain of the guards reporting to the Queen, as he handed her a couple Scrolls.

" The new soldier base has been set up as well as 200 soldiers that is now posted at village" he said as he bowed his head.

" where is Ari and raju" the queen asked as she read a letter that had crinkles through out it, her eyes had a brief sadness flicker in them as she layed the letter down on the table.

" my Queen they should have made it here by now they entered the castle over an hour ago, as I prepared copies of the map" the captain said as he backed away from the Queen a few steps while bowing his head.

Then Queen Evelyn scraped her nails across the wooden table, leaving deep claw Marks in the wood and raised quickly from her chair walking out of the council room.

Evelyn made her way to the other side of the palace holding her hand up in front of a set of double doors using a wind spell blowing the doors open as they fly off the hinges hitting the wall opposite of them.

" what the hell mom" Ari said as she slowly approached her mother as a suppressing aura gave her chills down her spine.

Evelyn placed her hands on her hips staring at her daughter as her eyes flashed gold while her slitted pupils narrowed.

" even though you said you did not want to compete with your sisters for the marriage of una and Lillians daughter to unite the three kingdoms, does not mean you can skip our meetings young lady" Evelyn said with a scoff as Ari walked out of her room following her mother back to the council room

Evelyn looked at another set of doors as she raised her hand, the door quickly flew open as Aris twin brother quickly came out.

" just because your a man does not mean you can miss the daily meeting " Evelyn said as Raju rolled his eyes.

They made their way into the room taking their seats beside their sisters the two middle sisters chuckled while whispering to one another.

The older sister slapped her hand on the table to hush her sisters, then clears her throat.

" mom I'm the oldest child so why can't I just marry her " Lia said while Ari rolls her eyes and chuckles, as the other then rolls her eyes.

" you have something to say " Lia said as she stares at Ari

The other two sisters look at their mother then to Ari.

" What is it Saya and maya" Evelyn said as she laced her fingers together propping her elbows up on the table.

" we were wondering...um..why does Queen Lillian not want Ari to be a choice" maya said as she glances back and forth from her mom then to Ari.

Evelyn sighed staring daggers at her two daughters as she steals glances at Ari.

" who said that it's not my choice not to meet her as a suitor" Ari said then Lia smirks as she leans toward her sister.

" yeah keep thinking that even if you wanted to be a suitor she won't allow it" Lia said as she gives Ari a deadpan look as Evelyn sighs leaning back in her chair not arguing about what Lia said.

" mom what's that about, so if I was interested the Queen of demons wouldn't let me marry her daughter, if we were both interested" Ari said with a trace of venom in her voice.

" well who cares you said your not interested anyway, that your not ready to settle down yet" Raju said as he looks over a map of goblin dens and other creatures marked on his map.

Ari was fine when she thought she was the one making the choice, but having that Bitch be the one who had a say in it, even if she was interested in her that she wasn't aloud.

Evelyn stared at Ari as she could tell her daughter was in deep thought and how their dad and her would fight over Lillian, also when the two youngest turned a certain age their marriage was now over. The children doesn't know that Lillian was her first love and mate, that Evelyn still loved her.

They were fighting over the two of their arranged marriages from over hundred years ago, they still was romantically involved having make up sex after they'd fight.

Lillian and Una would always make sure to have her back if anyone would try to go to war, now since their other allies are with them and to keep everyone happy with our daughters marrying since Tai takes after Lillian being a intersex right now in her demon form.

The girl will soon be able to have her member in her human form soon, she'll be able to change it when ever she pleases the stronger she gets and can have heirs.

Lillian sees to much of us in Tai and Ari so that's the reason she says no right now, but I think the two will make a great couple and Tai already has one mate. I bet since shes a alpha she'll have more than one like her mother Lillian does and yes when Una ended up finally meeting Lillian they ended up being mates. I was pissed at first but then I realized Una saved Lillian from her celestial bastard of a brother Maximus.

I had a fit when i found out about her third mate Carra who is a fairy and after meeting her I liked her, Only two things that bother me is not being married to Lillian and not having her child like Una did when she gave birth to Tai.

" mom...mom!!!! HEY MOM!!!" Lia screamed as all of them looked at their mother with worried looks.

Evelyn smiles at her children as she gets up from the table, then looks over at the twins "when we have that ball you both will be present and if your not I will find you both then ground you" Evelyn said as she exited the room as Ari caught up to her as they both walk silently ahead of the other three girls chuckling like school girls.

" I can't wait to see her I've seen a picture of her and shes so hot, also her mothers are two of the three strongest kingdoms." Lia said with a blush on her face. Then she pulls out a picture of Tai as a shy smile plays on her lips as she shows her sisters the picture again.

" how come you get one" maya said as her sister nods in agreement.

" I asked aunt Lillian for it" Lia said and sneered at Ari when she noticed her looking at them.

Ari was looking over her shoulder noticing her sister blush and rolls her eyes, as she looks down at her mothers hands thats gripping a letter tightly.

" mom what does Tai look like" Ari asked as she nervously played with her fingers and they walked in her moms office. Ari takes a seat in front of her moms desk and Evelyn pulls out a box full of pictures handing a picture of Tai over to Ari.

(' holy shit ses hot' ) Ari thought as she puts the picture in her pocket as Evelyn smirked at her, Ari quickly looks away refusing to meet her mothers eyes.

" shes beautiful isnt she, I think Tai hit the Jack pot looking like Una and Lillian, what do you think Ari" Evelyn said as she smiles widely at her daughter, Ari cleared her throat as she nods her head in agreement.

Evelyn slips the letter she had in the box then sits down at her desk, looking over information her scouts collected yesterday. She gets up walking over to the map on the wall, marking red xs along their border and king Maximus land.

" mom he's going to go to war against us isn't he" Ari said as she looks over to the map, then pulls out a map from her pocket marking down where Maximus armies are on her own map.

" Mom I've found several troll caves that we can take and use them in the upcoming war, we've already captured over 2,000 beasts we've made into familiars with contracts." Ari said as she hands her mother over a list of what beasts and how many they have.

" I also have captured a few families of dragons, they are babies among them and I want to choose one as a gift for Tai" Ari said as a blush creeps up on her face and quickly turns away from her.

Evelyn smiled at her daughter, shes never seen her blush over someone before and her smile fades away as she remembers the conversation she had with Lillian.

Even though they were still mates and when she comes to her kingdom, yes they do fool around since their mates and the pull to each other is to much for them not to.

Lillian still holds a grudge about her excepting the marriage proposal to save her kingdom and Lillian excepted her fathers proposal for her to marry the next in line who was suppose to be Una, but prince Maximus poisoned the king and altered documents making him next king.

King Rickard is still in a coma and Lillians father hides him trying to figure out a cure, if he didn't make Una the sole Commander of all the soldiers except the kings guards he would of been a force to reckon with. Una hid people from the places she had to attack, making Maximus believe she was his shield and sword.

Una even let any race join her personal army apart from the kingdoms, soldiers in both platoons was made to do a oath if they betray her death will follow after, several kingdom soldiers dropped dead after the oath.

Una was sole Commander of over 750,000 celestial troops in her kingdom army, since the first war the races who joined her personal army now ranged over 300,000 and she has made different platoons even has assassin's training them for different things for the upcoming war against her brother, also bases around every kingdom of 2,000 to 5,000 to help out if any trouble comes to them.

The Celestial kingdom was separated into two as Una was Queen to one part and Maximus was king to the other. They found a paper the king done stating that Una owned 60% of their continent.

The humans have banded together with Maximus over 80% while the other twenty is opposed to going to war against other races.

Evelyn admits that Lillian was heart broken hearing about her marriage and Lillian jumped on board with the marriage to the next one in line to rule, but Evelyn made sure that after certain stipulations were met and time period she'd return to Lillian.

Evelyn still holds guilt for everything Lillian went through as she married Maximus to stop the war before her race and the other races were wiped out.

Those years Evelyn felt the pain her mate went through and if Lillian would have died, she would join her after and she knew that beyond a reasonable doubt.

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