
His Spec.

His sturdy gait and the crease on his forehead told her he wasn't pleased with the sight before him.

"Good morn–"

"What is going on here?" A cold and displeased voice echoed through the lobby.

"Sir, it's this young lady here. She..." Alex raised a hand to silence the receptionist as he walked toward Vanessa, who was overly invested in her exposé. She kept ranting with her back to him, totally oblivious of the personality behind her.

Vanessa noticed the staff who had been busy watching her performance scurry away in the direction of their different offices, but before she could turn to find out why, she heard a voice behind her.

"Who are you? And what do you think you're doing here?" He asked in a harsh tone, making Vanessa spin around immediately.

Although she was still very upset and angry, the eyes that met hers were cold and calculating, making her swallow nervously as she took a step back to take a good look at him.

He looked formidable and intimidating, but she wouldn't back down until the company's CEO gave her his listening ear. With that in mind, she squared her shoulders and straightened her back as she looked directly into his eyes, "Who are you?"

Alex had noticed the flicker of fear or intimidation in her eyes when she met his gaze for the first time, and somehow he admired how quickly she regained her composure since he knew how intimidating he could be, especially when he used that particular no-nonsense tone. He gave her a quick once over and couldn't help noticing how she was physically his spec, from her eyes to her height and body figure. But her character wasn't something he'd want from a woman since he particularly didn't like loud or noisy women, and this one, in particular, was creating a scene in his company's lobby.

"You don't even know who I am, yet I heard you asking for me a while ago?" He asked with a slightly raised brow, making her look closer at him.

Oh! This was Alex Moore? Vanessa asked herself in surprise. He looked different in person from his pictures on the internet. She had to admit that the pictures didn't do justice to his gorgeous features, and neither did they even describe his majestic presence... 'Focus Van!' she mentally chided herself.

She swallowed and tried to ignore her heart which was suddenly thumping really fast, "I know who you are. You are Mr. Moore."

Alex said nothing as he looked at her and waited for her to say what she wanted to say. He had overheard some of the things she had said earlier, and he also knew most of the staff who had been hanging around but had scurried away the moment they had seen him walking into the building had heard her. And that meant he couldn't just throw her out. He had to hear what she had to say and then investigate her accusations and make an example of the culprits if her allegations turned out true.

"Are you going to tell me the problem, or will you stand there, gawking? A moment ago, you didn't have any problem airing your grievance." Alex reminded her.

"Can we speak in private?" She asked since she didn't think there was any need for her to be standing there and telling him about it in public. She had only been trying to use the noise to get his attention.

"Say whatever you have to say right here. I have to be in a meeting in the next couple of minutes." Alex said, still in that cold tone.

"Okay. I believe this is a reputable establishment, and I know that you would want only the most qualified hands to work in your company. But I don't think that's what is happening here. A week ago, few of us came for an interview, and someone who didn't even sit for the aptitude test got the job simply because she is warming the bed of the head of HR." Vanessa said in a rush.

Alex raised a brow, "And how did you come by this information?" Alex asked.

Mr. James, who had just been informed about the scene downstairs, hurried out quickly and almost collapsed when he saw Vanessa standing beside Alex.

"Sir..." He stopped when Alex raised a hand to stop him without looking in his direction.

"I overheard her talking to someone over the phone while using the restroom on the morning of the interview. And I think you can also check the aptitude test results to see if you'll find hers. I also have photos of them together and a recorded conversation." Vanessa said, making Mr. James's heart skipped a beat as Alex turned his gaze on him. She even had photos too?

"Are her allegations true? Did you give such an important job to your unqualified mistress?" Alex asked quietly.

He hadn't bothered covering his tract about that since he had been so sure their secret would remain secret, and no one would feel suspicious over him giving her the job. How would he have guessed that Maya would have been so stupid to make such a sensitive phone call in the restroom? He couldn't afford to lose his job because of something like this. Knowing his wife, she would throw him out of the house if she got wind of any of this. He couldn't afford to lose his job and home because of such a senseless lady.

"Save us both the time, or I wouldn't fail to fire you on the spot if I find out what she is saying is the truth." Alex threatened Mr. James, whose hands were already quivering.

"I'm sorry, sir." That was all Mr. James could say as he quickly went to his knees.

Vanessa couldn't believe how easy that was. She had thought she would need to present the pictures of them together as evidence, but now the picture and even the recorded conversation were unnecessary.

"Come with me." Alex said to Vanessa, before turning to look at Mr. James, who was still on his knees, "Ask the security to escort your mistress out, and then meet me in my office once she's out of my company. You have less than ten minutes to do that." Alex told him before walking away, with Vanessa following behind him.

"Ask whoever was in charge of the aptitude test to come with the results, and also ask the others in charge of the oral interview to meet me in my office," Alex ordered his assistant as he walked into his office with Vanessa.

"Exposing what was wrong doesn't mean you'll automatically get the job. I'm going to have to check the results myself to see whether or not you're qualified for the job."

"I understand, sir." Vanessa quickly assured him

"This fashion line for kids is very important to me personally. Hence I'm taking this upon myself." Alex felt the need to explain as he sat behind his desk and turned on his laptop while Vanessa stood there looking around his office, not knowing whether or not she was supposed to sit down.

"You can sit down." He told her without looking at her while he busied himself with work.

Soon the office door was opened, and all the people he had sent for gathered around his desk to show him the interview results, "Well, it seems like you were the most qualified for the job. Congratulations. You'll receive your employment letter via mail before tomorrow, and then you can resume tomorrow." Alex said before turning his attention to Mr. James.

"You have worked in this company for years, and I have always seen you as a decent man. I hate to say I'm disappointed by this stunt you pulled. Fortunately for you, I can't dismiss you because of something as silly as this, even though you deserve it. I will, however, be demoting you. You don't deserve to be the head of such a sensitive department." Alex said with a shake of his head.

"You will receive your demotion letter before the end of the day, so clear your desk and the office of your stuff. You all can leave now." He said dismissively as he stood up, ready to leave for his meeting.

"I hope you won't create such a scene in my company next time. I don't appreciate it." He sternly told Vanessa as she walked through the door with a big satisfied smile.

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