
Fixing Agartha's Walls


After ignoring Celeste's perverted comments, we moved to our next assignment.

Agh, quite honestly I ended feeling quite embarrassed, and now my mind is constantly thinking on that! Damn Celeste! I'm going to punish her somehow… Maybe I will stop helping her on improving her alchemy.

Anyways, we made our way through the town of Agartha into the Great Gates that protected the entire city, which was surrounded by enormous walls that took us a few years to reconstruct.

"Young lady Sylph and her friends! I am glad to see you! Lord Allan just told me you were all coming today for your last test! I am glad." Said Eustace, greeting us. "Prepare yourselves!"

"Ah, hello Mister Eustace." I said with a smile. "But yeah, it is not really a test, more like a task…"

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