
Not Really, Eltanin!

The soul stone became warm in his hands. A flicker of light pulsated in it and in a second blasted out. As it blasted, the soul stone became hot in his fist almost as if searing his skin. He dropped it to the ground. It bounced on the floor and rolled for a few times before settling. The light slowly diminished and extinguished. 

Menkar picked up the stone and a wicked smile crossed his lips. "This is going to make you remember my existence that you have so conveniently forgotten, Lusitania," he said. "Did you take my silence for granted?" He glared at the soul stone as if he would crush it in his hands, but he wouldn't. He would if he had to. "I worked so hard with Sirrah to keep your mother, Kinshra, at bay, and now you are posing a problem?" He let out an evil laugh. "You wish!"

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