

For the past two days, Tania hadn't sent a single message to Menkar. She had sent one after her first visit to the orchards. If she was guessing right, then her Master might be sending his hunched spy to check after her. After taking a bath, she rushed back to her room, changed into a black nightgown, tied her hair up in a messy bun and set out to the orchards where she would find Nomia. This time she decided she wouldn't go very far from the secret passage which led out to the rose garden. The first time she went, she was lost and thankfully the king had come to rescue her. She didn't want to be a burden every time. So, she decided to keep the trip short. 

Tania almost sprinted through the passage and reached out. The faint smell of roses filled her lungs and she sucked in a sharp breath. Hurriedly, she strode to the spot she had chosen to meet Nomia. Nomia was a clever owl and Tania didn't know how he became Menkar's pet, but she was impressed by him.

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