
Chapter 133: Master Connor Tells Me (Seeking Collection, Recommendation, and Likes)

Several figures sprinted through the forest, one of them clad in Mountain Pattern Armor almost slipped on the wet, slippery mud.

Arcs of electricity suddenly burst from the figure as they used their leg to step on a nearby bush branch as if it was solid ground, forcefully thwarting their impending fall.

Li Changhe breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that [Breath of Thunder] allowed him to activate [Agility Feature: Wall-Walking]. Without it, he would have been severely injured during the trek.

[Great Wall Mountain Armor] was too heavy for long distances; sprinting was manageable, but running through heavy rain with obscured vision was incredibly taxing.

However, Li Changhe didn't dare to remove his armor, as the sound of slithering grew closer to his group. Taking off his highest Defense Force [Equipment] now would be suicidal.

"Why are we moving out in the rain? I thought the plan was to go after the rain stopped?" someone in the [Friends] group asked.

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