
Chapter 9: Task Begins (Seeking Recommendations and Favorites)

The highest-ranking player, Young Taoist Green Moss, disappeared as soon as he entered the campus, prompting the other [Players] to become cautious.

"Green Moss has followed the path. The moment he entered the campus, he was thrown somewhere else." Invisible Red Dust's eyes emitted a faint blue glow, using a certain skill.

[Skill: Illusionary Demon Eye Lv3]

[Type: Visual Enhancement/Auxiliary]

[Effect: See through the inner effects of the Mysterious System / Paranormal System]

[Consumption: 1% energy points consumed every three seconds]

[Understanding Condition: Basic energy above 9, basic physique above 7, multiple encounters with mysterious/paranormal forces]

[Remark: In the layers of fog, I'm always watching you!]

After a few seconds, Invisible Red Dust's eyes returned to normal. He shook his head and said, "This place is obviously not simple. We can't group up anymore, as the moment we enter the campus, we'll be randomly thrown somewhere else. I didn't expect such a thing at the entrance."

Laughing Gentleman said solemnly, "Since we'll be scattered, forming groups is indeed useless now. No one can be sure where they will be thrown."

"[Evolution Game] will not give [Players] impossible [Tasks]. At least we can be sure that we won't be thrown in front of those strange existences." Earth Knight responded, then took the lead in heading towards the school gate: "Since we can't group up, let's just hope we can meet inside. Good luck to you all!"

The next second, he disappeared inside the school gate.

Invisible Red Dust glanced at Laughing Gentleman and nodded before entering the campus.

Laughing Gentleman seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. His clenched fist also loosened slightly.

Li Changhe could guess some of the tricks at play. Laughing Gentleman's identity, Xiao Nan, was... extraordinary.

Of course, as the daughter of Yanyun's talented father and a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Education, her background was not low to begin with. However, Li Changhe felt that her extraordinary status was among the [Players], or within the [Great Wall].

Recently, with the appearance of [Players] in Yanyun, Xiao Nan had a new driver called Yang Dong. However, his real identity was a member of the [Great Wall] with a high status. Li Changhe had seen him directing police and men in black clothes.

Why would someone with a high status like Yang Dong be pretending to be Xiao Nan's driver? A high-ranking [Player] protecting another [Player]?

Taking into account their previous actions,

Young Taoist Green Moss's group formation might not have been without the intention to separate Invisible Red Dust and Laughing Gentleman.

When Young Taoist Green Moss disappeared, Laughing Gentleman instantly became wary of Invisible Red Dust. Even Li Changhe could faintly perceive the change in atmosphere. Earth Knight taking the lead in leaving seemed to not want to get involved.

Is there anything unusual about the title [Demon Baal]?

In the myth, it's the 45th-ranked Demon God among King Solomon's 72-pillar Demon Gods.

There have indeed been discussions on the forum about the [Great Wall] obtaining spoils of war in the [Solomon Script Task]. It seems that Xiao Nan was also a recipient, thus making her a rather special member among the [Players].

This [Demon Baal] title can be snatched? That would make sense.

"Is this girl always a hot commodity wherever she goes?" Li Changhe clicked his tongue in his heart.

He analyzed it closely. It was precisely because of this [Title] that Xiao Nan was cautious when facing other players, and the state machinery [Great Wall] also dispatched high-ranking players to provide protection.

As Li Changhe analyzed the situation, Laughing Gentleman looked at him and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Are you a Yanyun student?"

Huh? He's trying to probe, probably sensing something. Li Changhe chuckled in his heart but didn't speak. This was no different from suddenly checking someone's identity. If his identity information were exposed, it could endanger his life. No player would respond under such circumstances.

"Forget it, I don't want to be annoying." Laughing Gentleman knew that asking a [Player]'s identity was very offensive, but he only asked because he felt a sense of... familiarity.

He didn't ask further, but instead whispered, "The danger level of this task is not low. As a newcomer, you might want to wait for your teammates to complete it here. Although you would be passively completing it, and the experience would be reduced, at least you can stay alive."

He turned around and entered the old campus area. Suddenly he paused and asked, "Do you usually arrive late?"

Li Changhe didn't respond with his tongue tied.

Watching Laughing Gentleman's figure being teleported away, he was unsure where he would appear inside the old campus.

"He's probing..."

Li Changhe couldn't miss the task, but he didn't plan to enter the school gate just like that either.

There were too many [Players] before, and saying anything more would expose him. Li Changhe had been thinking the whole time,

"Why must we go through the school gate? Are we all model students?" Li Changhe started walking around the old campus wall.

The old campus wall wasn't high, and it was not difficult to climb over it compared to the three-meter-high walls of Yanyun Middle School's new campus.

Li Changhe found a low and worn-out section of the wall, and as he pushed with both hands, he climbed over it without being teleported away.

At least he could guess it was correct, otherwise, he would have been at a disadvantage from the beginning.

Li Changhe, who was lying in the bushes, dusted off the leaves on his body. He slowly stood up and looked at the pitch-black teaching building, his eyes suddenly focused.

[Eagle Eye Lv1 Triggered]

His visible range instantly exceeded 300 meters, covering the entire old campus area, but he still saw no movement.

There were obviously four living people thrown into the building, but now there was not even a trace of movement. The place seemed like a graveyard in the darkness.

"No wonder high school seniors would apply to use this place for a haunted house event. If the real world looked like this, there would be no need for decorations." Li Changhe clicked his tongue and pulled out a piece of equipment he had made from his backpack.

It wasn't the [Blood-stained lead ball] but a pair of black brass knuckles.

Li Changhe didn't accept this task without any preparation. These brass knuckles were not ordinary; they were a bonus item from a boxing gym job, said to be a backup brass knuckles of a retired boxing champion.

He had first buried it in incense ash at a temple in the suburbs for a month, then had a Daoist priest at the neighboring temple open a light for it.

The left hand reads 'Amitabha'

The right hand reads 'Urgent as Law Command'

He was originally planning to sell it to otaku at a comic convention for warding off evil spirits or for their chuunibyou. Anyway, otaku have money, and there's no worry about not selling them.

However, after last night's encounter with the harpies, Li Changhe felt that materialism wasn't enough. Using this to deal with those strange existences seemed to be a good idea too.

There was no reason to have ghosts and not the gods and Buddha. Left hand with Buddhism, right hand with Taoism. That's how Li Changhe thought.

Full of confidence, he walked into the nearest teaching building.

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