
Reverse Harem?

Phillip looked at his two best friends in much surprise. What were the odds that in the entire city, the three of them fell for the same girl who had just entered the town.

"What the hell man! Are you trying to steal my girl?"  Michael looked at Phillip and Tom in much frustration.

"Your girl? Has she said that to you?" Phillip retorted back an equal amount of frustration and Tom as usual was moving his head from left to right, looking at his two friends indulging in a hot conversation yet again.

Tom rolled his eyes at both of them and instantly banged his hand on the table. "Shut up you both! Cannot you both at least once talk normally without fighting?"

Phillip and Michael looked at each other and grinned notoriously. "No we can't!"  Michael winked looking at Phillip and Philip nodded his head in approval.

"Of course we can't! That is our USP." Michael winked back at him and then they both turned to look at Tom. "Brother, you always have a solution for our problems. Tell us, what is on your clever mind."

"You know, I was thinking that none of us are ready to get into a relationship with any girl because she always ends up creating rifts between us. While Philip doesn't really have any need for sex owing to his addiction of work, you get sex whenever you want. I cannot have sex until and unless I am really into the person. This way, I think the three of us will get old without any girl."

"Then what do you suggest? You both are my lifelines and I cannot let any girl to hamper our relationship or even try doing that". Michael looked at him in much confusion. "Besides all three of us love her so who will eventually get her?"

Philip simply nodded his head looking at the two of them very thoughtfully.

"I have an idea, which can be very stupid. But I think for three of us, this is what it is going to work." Tom frowned a little as he was about to say something very stupid.

"Just say it brother! We will not be surprised if it turns out to be very stupid." Phillip spoke in a mocking tone and Tom rolled his eyes at the man yet again.

"How about, we shared the girl? This way there will be no chance of any sort of manipulation and also she can live here happily." Tom looked at the two of them and instantly they bursted into laughter while Tom was looking at them in much surprise.

"Dude! I think you have gone bonkers! Are you talking about having a reverse harem in this house?" Michael spoke in a mocking tone, yet not able to stop his laughter. "Haha!"

Phillip instantly raised his hand towards Michael and they both gave each other a high five. "I think Tom is very lonely and he is fascinating about having a reverse harem."

Tom slapped his forehead looking at them in other frustration. "Alright! Then decide who wants to give up the girl." He looked at the two of them and they instantly stopped laughing, looking at each other. "See?" The girl is so gorgeous that nobody would want to give her up. He shrugged his shoulders as if saying 'I rest my case.'

"Alright! We can do one thing. Tomorrow morning, we can decide what to do. She will be there in the company for her first shoot and we can just have another look at her. I'm sure no girl will be that perfect for me at least!" Phillip thought about it very carefully and realised that she was just a girl who, he could give up very easily.

"Okay. I'm good with it". Michael took another sip of his drink and Tom also nodded his head in approval.

Soon they both headed in their respective directions. While Phillip wanted to work in his study area, Michael wanted to he go out for a fun night at the coolest disc of the town. Tom wanted to be in his Art Room and perhaps finish his pending paintings.

The entire mansion was divided in three floors, allocated for each of the owners. The three of them loved each other but at the same time always maintained each other's privacy and lifestyle choices. They were extremely contrasting in nature, but yet they never judged each other for there habits or hobbies.





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