
Her nipples...

The night bus halted at the bus stand, on the rough surface of the of the old bus stand of the city. It was raining heavily since morning and the surface was flooded with water. As soon as the bus halted several men jumped out of the crowded bus as if finally they were out of the jail.



At least 30 men stepped out of the bus splashing the water all over. The bus conductor jumped out of the bus from the front door with a green coloured whistle in his hand.

Beep! Beep!

He blew the whistle twice looking at the door. All the lucky passengers who had managed to occupy the half torn seats had now suddenly woken up from their dreams. "We have reached the Metro Politon city!" The conductor spoke loudly, as he rapidly banged the wall of the bus. "All the ladies come from the front door and all the men come from the back door."

As soon as the man spoke he rolled his eyes looking at a young man who stepped out from the front door. "I told all men from the back door!" The conductor looked at him angrily and the young man looked at him in much apologetic manner.

"Pardon but it will take another 15 minutes for me to reach the back door and I have a very important job interview in the morning." The young man spoke hurriedly and walked away splashing the water all around.

Several ladies started to step down from the bus trying to evade the splashing water. Just then a girl in her knee length green pencil skirt and white coloured sneakers, paired with a white coloured blouse was now standing at the edge of the stairs looking at the dirty water all stagnated on the surface. The girl had a beautiful red colour in her hair which was extremely natural, looking perfectly matching with her pink and soft lips. She was looking at the water in much horror with her big gray eyes and then she looked at the conductor in much hesitation.

"Madam! How long are you going to take to jump down? You have been keeping everybody waiting." The conductor spoke in an irritated tone. It was his daily job to meet all kind of strange people.

"But these are the only pair of shoes I have." The girl spoke in a soft tone looking at the conductor. She then looked up in the sky and then looked at her white blouse which was obviously also going to be extremely wet and dirty.  "And my blouse is the only formal outfit I have for tomorrow's interview."

The conductor rolled his eyes at the girl. He then looked at the girl from head to toe and noticed how pretty she was. The girl had an extremely pale skin and was having a thin body except for the heavy bosson and hips. She had long big eyelashes and slight freckles on her face which was naturally blushed by the heat in atmosphere. The girl had an Oval shaped face which was extremely trimmed as if the girl had been working out tremendously. "Do why don't you remove your blouse and come down in your bra?" The conductor spoke in a sarcastic tone, smirking looking at the gorgeous girl with long straight hair upto her waist.

The girl looked at him in much surprise and then bit her lower lip and much confusion. Instantly she lifted her left feet and removed her one sneaker and then she also removed the right sneaker holding them in her hands. The girl was carrying a grey coloured backpack and she quickly pulled out the bag and placed the sneakers inside it.

The red headed girl then picked out a grey coloured simple tee shirt from the bag and looked at the conductor giving him a mocking smile. "You lucky bastard! Now enjoy the view." The girl instantly placed down her bag and quickly started to unbutton the blouse. Not just the conductor but several men standing on the bus stand were now looking at the girl in much shock. She quickly removed her white coloured blouse placing it in the bag. The girl was now just dressed in a black coloured Lacy bra from top, which she knew was extremely transparent and her breasts must be completely visible to everyone in the bus stand.

She could feel everyone's gaze at her and she looked ahead in much anger. "What you idiots? Have you not seen your mother's nipples? Bloody motherfuckers!!!" The red headed girl screamed at the top of her lungs pointing towards her nipples and then started to wear the grey Tee shirt in much confidence.

This was the kind of person she was right from the childhood and her name was Charla Davis....

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